Russische Drohne „Gerbera“ bleibt am Baum hängen


  1. Were they planning on blowing up the tree to get the drone back, very sophisticated for wartime

  2. makingaconment on

    Like most if the Russian airfarce stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere

  3. This is one of their foam drones that they can’t even make without china’s help. without a warhead it can fly about 300 km and there is a reconnaissance type, a decoy and a warhead type.

  4. Waste-Oil-279 on

    That one (Gerbera) is a decoy drone, no warhead, usually just a camera… And they did get it down.. There is a longer video.

  5. FluffyDeer9323 on

    If it makes enough noise, maybe it’ll attract other drones to try and save it.

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