Ex-Ministerin Justyne Caruana, die aufgrund von Skandalen zweimal entlassen wurde, zahlte 78.000 Euro für einen 30-Stunden-Wochenjob bei der maltesischen Steuer- und Zollbehörde


Von gurdijak


  1. Malta_Investor on

    Don’t worry about it, give it a couple of weeks and we’ll just forget about it.

    This bullshit of resigning somehow meaning “paid the political price” and then failing upwards into a better paid job in some governmental administration is why I genuinely believe that we, as a Maltese collective, are fucking stupid. We just don’t seem to expect better of the people pulling this shit in government.
    Noqoghdu ghal kollox.

    Cue the “ahna warajk Justyne” bollocks

  2. Exact-Care958 on

    Thinking about going into Maltese politics…seems to be a very rewarding job 😂

  3. No-Fondant7026 on

    Making even more money than a minister for less hours, less stress and less input!

  4. Ironsides4ever on

    Fucken malta .. what’s new. And by fucken malta I mean the Maltese .. not the buildings left by the knights or the sun !

    Offended ? You should be !

  5. CrowEmbarrassed9133 on

    ‘According to the notice, Justyne Caruana is advising the Minister on how to collect more tax‘

    What if politicians just start taking out less from tax money? You know, to give less to their friends, relatives, partners, criminals etc.
    Result would be almost the same if not better, because more collected tax more hungry mouthes to feed around them.

  6. takemetoparadise07 on

    What I cannot understand is that somehow everything is made public and it’s like the Prime Minister doesn’t care. I wonder what the EU is saying about this. Surely somehow Malta as a jurisdiction is scutinised. Oh well, back to the grey list I suppose. 🤷‍♀️

  7. NewVentures66 on

    Meanwhile, Maltese and permanent residents lack social housing, work training, social outreach, green spaces… but I’m just a foreigner, so WTF do I know?

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