Polizei hält Auto an, aus dessen Kofferraum Leitern ragen


Von topotaul


  1. MrNippyNippy on

    They forgot the high viz jacket tied to the end of the ladders!

  2. layland_lyle on

    He was trying to get into a higher gear.

    I’ll see myself out.

  3. Blue_View_1217 on

    To be fair if they had a coloured marker of some kind on the end of it then it would be fine. You can have up to 2m hanging out of the back as long as it’s not going to fall out.

  4. Wedonthavetobedicks on

    Reminds me of trying to motorcycle jump off the car carrier trucks in *GTA: Vice City*…

  5. AvatarOfMyMeans on

    This is what happens when the presence of bored cops coincides with a slow news day.

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