Met entschuldigt sich bei dem schwarzen Gemeindevorsteher, der von einem Beamten festgenommen wurde, gegen den drei Verfahren wegen Fehlverhaltens eingeleitet wurden
Von F0urLeafCl0ver
What is a “community leader” and how do I discover who mine is?
Why is this matter from 5 years ago the subject of the story when the officer has since done other things with bigger sanctions?
Funny how every time police brutality or inappropriate policing-especially towards a black guy-is brought up suddenly the thread is downvoted and people come on doubting his experience or his status as a community leader (even though you can easily look both up). The Met literally paid him and apologised to him, yet one fine commenter below has just said “community leader = black guy who interacts with police” as if this guy isn’t a former champion boxer who has been involved in schemes helping his local community for years.
What more could you want? The police admitted they were wrong and he has done more to support his local area than 99% of the rest of us.
What I don’t like about this is that, the Officer for Matthew’s complaint has been given the lowest level sanction for misconduct, which to me doesn’t fit with the accusations of racism and excessive force.
With the Met paying out and giving an apology it seems like an appeasement more than anything. I appreciate there is other cases of misconduct against him.
Post isn’t anti “immigrant” so I don’t it’ll get the traction.