Die Hälfte der iranischen Industriekapazität wurde durch die Energiekrise lahmgelegt



  1. macross1984 on

    Well, Iran should have funds to repair infrastructures now that they don’t have to support Hamas and Hezbollah.

  2. How does an oil-rich country somehow manage to not have enough electricity????

    That is some next-level mismanagement.

  3. As a person born and raised in Iran, it makes me sad to see how the regime fucked the country. They could have invested their capital in the country and make good relations with the west, but a bunch of lunatics with Iron age philosophy rose to power and fucked the country by wasting the country’s natural resources on their vicious misadventures.

    I’ll probably never go back, but I hope the people who are still there can change how things work at some point in the future.

  4. Prior_Ad_3242 on

    Maybe they will stop making drones for Putin to kill civilians with.

    What am I saying, they just stoping food production, gota focus on important stuff..

  5. I bet the energy crisis is caused by the increasing number of women not wearing a hijab or burqa, blowing drying their hair to look good in public. 🤣

  6. You’d think all that investment in Hamas, Assad and Hezbollah would pay in bulk.

  7. Ok-Writing336 on

    Iranian currency (rial) is cratering against the USD, almost 1 million rials: $1 USD. Seems that using every extra bit of money for jihad, to arm Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas, etc., rather than for Iranian civilians is not great for the economy. No wonder some ~80% of Iranians hate the “Death to America” regime. Things will get even more interesting when Trump takes over on 1/20, since Iran tried to assassinate him.

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