Herausgegeben vom ukrainischen Verteidigungsministerium. 28.12.2024



  1. Fjell-Jeger on

    Since mid 2024, Ukraine is producing close to 20 [2S22](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S22_Bohdana) “Богдана” SPG per month.

    It’s a modern SPG system with armored cab and (*gun operator assisted*) autoloader with 40km range (*~50 km with* [*M982* ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur)*smart munitions*) and munition storage sufficient for multiple fire missions (*~20 shells + booster charges in a munition bunker with blowout pane*ls).

    Single unit price is ~3 million € (*about half the amount for a Ceasar SPG*).

    It is definitely a game changer as it provides AFU with a modern SPG that is domestically produced in significant #s. This is even more remarkable considering only a single prototype existed at the start of the invasion (*which had already been prepared for destruction to prevent capture by RF military but managed to reach Ukrainian-controlled territory by sneaking through Russian lines at night-times*).

  2. Catymandoo on

    “…bringing victory closer”

    God I hope so – for all Ukrainians sake. 🙏🏻

  3. Late_Stage-Redditism on

    There will be a point where Russian soviet stocks of equipment runs out and Ukrainian and European equipment production will really start to tell but the question remains if western countries did not respond soon enough and with enough commitment.

  4. ReflectionFeeling216 on

    And the Ukies are pumping out 20 of those a month now! Amazing!

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