Die USA werden mit der Herstellung fortschrittlicher Chips beginnen



  1. AmputatorBot on

    It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot).

    Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://spectrum.ieee.org/tsmc-arizona](https://spectrum.ieee.org/tsmc-arizona)**


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  2. Thin-Importance9417 on

    About time we started building our own fab plants. Having 90% of advanced chips made in Taiwan is way too risky geopolitically. Love that they’re powering it with solar too – chip manufacturing uses tons of energy

  3. that’s a big solar parking lot.

    free energy and you won’t get second degree burns on your thighs when you get in the car.

  4. And MAGA will give credit to Trump when they start production during his administration, just like they gave credit to Trump for MRNA vaccines whose research was funded by the Obama administration.

  5. DigitalWarHorse2050 on

    But Elon will have all H1 visa people working on the chips. So very few American jobs .

  6. “advanced” being 2 gens ago.

    Current tsmc process is at 2nm, this is 4.

  7. banned4being2sexy on

    How do we keep this place open when relations with taiwan and china don’t crumble. There’s no way we could get prices as low as they can.

  8. MolassesOk3200 on

    Thank you President Biden. Fu to the Republicans for even talking about repealing the CHIPS Act.

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