Hat jemand eine Antwort darauf?

Von Comfortable_Corner80


  1. jamatosoup on

    Unbridled corporate greed. My grandfather worked on oil burners for Mobil, grandmother did *not* work, they owned a huge Victorian home in suburban Philadelphia. Checked recently and that home built in the late 1800’s last sold 20 years ago for over $1M. Edit to add gma did not work, good grief.

  2. DrStevenPoop on

    Inflation, the women’s lib movement effectively doubling the workforce in a short period of time, outsourcing, allowing China to use protectionist policies to keep our products out of their markets while we allow them free reign in ours, mass immigration from the third world keeping wages for unskilled labor low, requiring people to get a degree, but the colleges have all been turned into Marxist indoctrination factories that only turn out Marxist activists who hate America and love communism, so no one wants to hire them, but that’s okay because they don’t want to work, either. Lol. Stuff like that, basically.

    I have a feeling that this isn’t the answer you want, though.

  3. Leidenfrost1 on

    There are multiple ways to interpret the question, and It’s due to multiple factors, but mainly labor supply. Families started earning more money when more women started working, increasing their buying power, which raised the demand for goods and services. When that happened, the prices of everything increased due to the increased demand, so a two income family doesn’t have a huge advantage, it just becomes normal.

    So sort of when families gradually earned more money, the prices of everything increased gradually to match.

    Then there’s the effect of globalization, outsourcing, immigration, new technologies, etc…

  4. Ok_Radio_8540 on


    The oligarchs don’t share the profits.

    Consumer Prices rise…incomes do not keep pace.

  5. FrostyAlphaPig on

    Two incomes mean double the taxes, so they had to put the women to work

  6. mightocondreas on

    Your currency is designed to deflate for 100 years then be replaced by a new one, you’re at the wrong end of the cycle today

  7. BlendingSentinel on

    Central banking and protectionism via patents and subsidies.

  8. Fit_Depth8462 on

    I’m not allowed to speak ill of them or I’ll be called out, but they really like salmon on bagels

  9. CyanideLovesong on

    Dumdums more concerned about the freedom of billionaires to hoard an amount of cash that gives them power to control government and exclude competition is what happened.

    People don’t understand that unlimited wealth in the hands of a few can, will, and has been used undermine their own freedom.

    A few other things played a big role — the de-industrialization of America (with the lie that outsourced jobs would be replaced by higher quality jobs… All that happened is MASSIVE homelessness.)

    And the trade imbalance thanks to free trade agreements which resulted in a few people getting rich but outbound dollars being used to buy up entire industries that were once American controlled… (Not to mention a lot of foreign owned property.)

    Basically for as far back as I can remember (1980s) we’ve had a fake government that represented the interests of a wealthy few… and China.

    Yeah, Reagan made you feel real good about your country while he gutted the nation of its industrial empire…

    Both parties are to blame, as well as all the dummies who supported them all along even though it was obvious they sold us out from day one.

  10. Retal1ator-2 on

    Feminism happened.

    Basically, oligarchs realized they could lower by half the cost of labor by doubling the supply.

    They convinced women it was more “liberating” to be little corporate slaves instead of being a housewife.

    At the root of it, that’s it really.

  11. sillywillyfry on

    the state cleverly took in more power and more of our wages and the people stupidly handed it over without a fight, without even realizing it

    the state either has a person heavily dependent on “them”, they can’t afford to thrive not even a smidge because then the “help” will be taken away and they will still struggle to live

    or has a person lose most of their check to the state and struggle to live

    its ridiculous, it makes me so angry

  12. notyourblue on

    Value placed on paper and greed and selfishness over riding the worth of inner grown spirit integrity that most lack.

    You can’t buy those things but the majority are convinced you can. In other words, classic simple stupidity

  13. One time I read that one reason individual positions now get low salaries, apart from inflations, is that the labor force has vastly increased compared to the number of business. Part of this increase was also the surge of female workers, because yesterday husbands went to work while a large number of wives were housewives, while today men and women both compete for low, laughable salaries on low tier positions, thus doubling the number of employable people.

  14. YogurtNo3045 on

    Lyndon Johnson sold what was left for the middle class years ago

  15. jactive1111 on

    Rich people have time and control. America was a set up for the rich to control the world as new markets were being discovered. It’s all a plan

  16. ModestAdonis on

    I blame consumerism. I read a report saying that our grandfathers spent less of a percent of their earnings on frivolous items. People today think they need a $1000 iPhone when they only make 30k a year. Our grandfathers did not do that. A few other things were mentioned too. Really made me think about how easy it is now to overspend on your budget. Hell, we don’t even do check books anymore. Too many people don’t even know how much they even spend. Swipe here, swipe there. Deal with it at the end of the month.

  17. IdidntchooseR on

    Federal reserve (printing fake money) + wars + federal govt never has to pass audits for how well they spent the money.

  18. Sweaty_Challenge_649 on

    Also no amenities. Just good, clothes, and energy. No extra stuff. Maybe a car and radio. Subsistence farming. More community oriented.

  19. The unions were systematically destroyed and the nuclear family was incarcerated in the war on drugs that came after the middle class jobs were offshored.

  20. The Fed, out of control gov spending resulting in the biggest hidden tax….. inflation. The dollar has lost 95+% of its value since the creation of the Fed.

  21. AsphaltSommersaults on

    This is deregulated capitalism concentrating wealth. 

    It is a system that rewards greed and exploitation.

  22. Sure!

    Ever since the allowance of the Fed (not a govt entity, but a privately owned “for profit” entity) the squeeze has grown tighter and tighter. Corporations wanted to double the workforce, so kids don’t get to know their parents – they get the burned out leftovers.

    Before, we were debt slaves that enriched the globalist bankers. Slaves work a lot harder when they think they’re free and just a few decisions away from becoming wealthy.

    Now their snares are in place though. No need for their anaconda to incrementally tighten. The banks are consolidating and can control your behavior (check out Marc Andreessen describing “debanking” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRj9pIITwEU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRj9pIITwEU) )

    The old money magic is spent up. Countries and their citizens are being fleeced. The savior they’re ready to provide is in the form of CBDCs. They have public-private partnerships and NGOs perfecting their censorship tactics (Reddit is one of their test zones) because it’s not unconstitutional if the government isn’t doing it, even if the NGOs are fully taxpayer-funded!

    We’re at the fulcrum. Either there’s an army of Snowdens behind Trump who are capable of extricating the globalist tendrils, or we’ll need to hope for something beyond our understanding for our rescue. His admin floating the idea of demolishing the Fed is something to hope for! And the fact that they’re willing to assassinate him is a positive sign.

    We’ll know soon!

  23. stinkymapache on

    3 things:
    Nixon killed the gold standard
    Reagan killed unions
    Clinton signed Nafta

  24. Oh, it wasn’t quite that easy. Many parents didn’t tell their kids how poor they really were until much later in their lives. Everyone idealize the past. But, alcoholism was just as bad back then. Many returning WW2 vets had ptsd. I don’t recall anyone ever discussing treatment. My father was driven to build 3 of his own homes. That’s how many homes came to be. I’ve never met anyone other than a homebuikder who does that now. And he had to meet the building codes if the day. So, let’s not forget that Many people don’t marry today. Broken homes has a lot to do with the disparity. Its was seen a disgraceful for the father to abandon their children. And it is disgraceful. When a ceryltain president denied having intimate relations with an intern. He was impeached. But, the party rallied round and said character doesn’t matter. The lack of character has led to our rotten society today. Women took care if the home. They proudly wore the title of Homemakers. So. Many worked in the house. Not outside. I could go on. But, the point is we should all try to establish a true golden age of stability, prosperity & honesty. All are things we should strulive for today. Instead of living in a idealized past that would disappoint some people.

  25. FunkensteinD on

    Ever hear of the 5 monkey experiment?

    5 monkeys are placed in a room with a banana hanging from the ceiling. Everytime they go after the banana they all get sprayed. Eventually they stop going for the banana.

    One monkey gets switched out. He wants the banana but everytime he goes for it, he gets beaten up by the other 4 who know they get sprayed with water when they go after.

    Repeat until all original monkeys are gone and no monkey goes after the banana.

    Each monkey can represent a generation

  26. MousseBackground9964 on

    We allowed them to conduct conflicts, I mean military interventions for the better part of 60 years.

  27. somethingrotteninkc on

    My grandfather went from being a railroad laborer, drafted into WWII, and got an accounting degree on the GI Bill. His home and career rocketed from military benefits, and he raised 8 healthy kids, on a single salary. Homes and cars weren’t just cheaper, they had help, and the work ethic and spendthrift of having been raised by Depression-era parents. They also lived with my great-grandmother, as a young married couple and then my grandmother’s brother lived with them during/after the war. People cohabitated and childcare was either in the home, or another generation lived in the same building.

    You didn’t buy as much shit, people made clothing, movies/eating out were a rare treat.

  28. My mother got out of college in 1972 and worked in a literal sewing factory (sweatshop) for a time and made the equivalent of 22$/hr.

    If anyone tells you it’s anything other than greed they’re a fucking liar or disingenuous about “economics.” If they make the econ argument, I guarantee you they may understand the basic principles, they just keep the blinders on when it comes to the truth of how things work outside the classroom.

  29. murderhornet_2020 on

    My Great Grandfather was from a third world country. He never travelled anywhere in his life. He had a few acres of land. Built his house with his brothers. No mortgage. Had 14 children. They maybe did not have shoes sometimes but never went hungry. They had livestock and rice fields. Seems he was doing better than a lot of people in modern society.

  30. IndomitableThomunism on

    Corporations implemented infinite growth forever with rotating reasons for increasing prices

  31. Reagen. Or more specifically, oligarchs that took power during Reagen’s administration (especially when his dementia kicked in) that pushed for deregulation, a rewrite of the tax code, and reducing labor’s power. Wages have remained largely stagnet when adjusted for inflation since the 80’s despite productivity having increased exponentially since then. Things have just gotten worse since then.

    Things have gotten to the point that if a economic crash happens in the next few years, I predict that the new occupy wallstreet movement will be building guillotines at this rate.

  32. BigCriticism8995 on

    Yes. It’s called Reganomics. All that trickle down bullshit. That truly was the end of the middle class.

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