I wonder if landlords are accepting free pints instead of rent?
TorpleFunder on
“I’ll take it in the hand Jacksie.”
Advanced_Bobcat_3831 on
true. i worked there
Backrow6 on
Weird phrasing. Are they promising future free beer, or just sharing an anecdote?
ShavedMonkey666 on
Am I the only person who thinks this is fucken terrible?
ShowmasterQMTHH on
Any bar ive ever worked in gave a free drink a the end of cleanup if you wanted it, and free food if there was lunch or evening food on for your break.
Incredible, bottle or draft?
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I wonder if landlords are accepting free pints instead of rent?
“I’ll take it in the hand Jacksie.”
true. i worked there
Weird phrasing. Are they promising future free beer, or just sharing an anecdote?
Am I the only person who thinks this is fucken terrible?
Any bar ive ever worked in gave a free drink a the end of cleanup if you wanted it, and free food if there was lunch or evening food on for your break.
Jayziz, it’s a bit tone deaf.