Privatschulen, die von Kemi Badenochs Top-Team besucht werden, verfügen über Barreserven in Höhe von 500 Millionen Pfund

Von No_Breadfruit_4901


  1. pashbrufta on

    That’s a month of migrant hotels or almost a day of NHS spending! Disgraceful

  2. newnortherner21 on

    The schools concerned when complaining about VAT on fees I expect will still pass on most or all of the 20% to the parents whose children are there. Perhaps the press should check on this and publish a table to show if this is the case.

  3. LostTheGameOfThrones on

    Meanwhile, most state schools would be lucky to have reserves of 500 glue sticks.

  4. TheDaemonette on

    There’s not going to be any mass exodus from public school students to the state sector. People who cannot afford the expensive schools will go for the next rung down on the ladder and so on. It is only the students that drop off the bottom rung of the ladder who will end up in the state sector.

  5. SojournerInThisVale on

    > no member of Keir Starmer’s cabinet attended private school

    Except Sir Keir Starmer KCB himself. Is this *seriously* what passes for journalism?

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