Finnland, Kanada, die USA und andere Länder testen Technologien für passfreies Reisen, darunter Gesichtserkennung und einen „digitalen Reiseausweis“.


  1. Yeah I’m sure they’ll get right on that. Paper passport isn’t going anywhere for a very long time.

  2. lorenavedon on

    Great. Less things that can be stolen or forged, the better. More biometrics and digital over paper the better. So long as they’re secure systems.

  3. Practical-Metal-3239 on

    They already have this tech, it’s just not implemented for our use yet. They definitely use it though.

  4. Only a matter of time. It’s already happening in the world as we travel. If you travel its what they do. Only way to avoid it is to stay hone and even then it will eventually happen domestically. 

  5. iforgotmymittens on

    I read about the blockchain in the newspaper, maybe they should use that. Also what’s the blockchain.

  6. AsleepExplanation160 on

    This is probably just easier to obtain nexus (and other services like it)

  7. So governments can access our phones whenever they feel like? Or tracking our location around the world through cctv. Or have all data stolen by criminals? No thanks

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