Nordkoreanische Soldaten töten sich, um einer Gefangennahme in der Ukraine zu entgehen, sagen die USA


  1. No-Information6622 on

    They did this because “likely out of fear of reprisal against their families in North Korea in the event that they’re captured.” That’s brutal .

  2. They’ve definitely been indoctrinated that they’ll be brutally tortured if captured by Westerners.

  3. Fantastic_Goat_5372 on

    that’s genuinely awful, being that brainwashed is a terrifying thought.

  4. alwaysfatigued8787 on

    It’s tragic when this might be your best option given what they will eventually do to you and your family.

  5. They’re told if they desert the battlefield or get captured (also assumed as intentional desertion) their families back home will pay the price (labor camps, torture, death)

  6. Rip_Topper on

    Wow. First you’re born in North Korea. Then you’re sent to fight in a foreign land. Then you kill yourself.

  7. My heart bleeds for all the thousands of North Korean parents who gave up their children, to these two madmen. Life is bad enough for them already.

  8. WW3_doomer on

    Looks like Russia and North Korea have much in common.

    Russian suicide videos on battlefield are counting in hundreds for today.

  9. itisiminekikurac on

    Do we actually have any proof? Because this is honestly hard to believe.

  10. Secure_Ticket8057 on

    And yet you’ll still get morons on here trying to make some sort of moral equivalence with Western democracies.

    RIP lads, didn’t really have much of a chance in life.

  11. Murky-State-7360 on

    It’s sad they’re killing themselves. They should at least try to escape the shitty situation they’re in. There’s so much more to life than living under the thumbs of dictators.

  12. YoDaChronMan96 on

    Lol, bet they got hit extra hard with the propaganda before going to ukraine.

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