„Baby im Müllcontainer.“ Eine Flut ausgesetzter Neugeborener beunruhigt Texas.



  1. emanmodnara on

    It’s not about the babies and never has been. It’s the forcing to give birth they get off on.

  2. DomesticErrorist22 on


    Hey y’all, this is a gift link, so you don’t need a subscription to read this article. However, you will need to sign in to your WaPo account or register for one to access it.

    Yes, I’m acutely aware of how much this sucks. I’m sorry I don’t know any workarounds.

  3. Texas has brought this on themselves and marked these babies. Hopefully they treat these children better than they treated the mothers

  4. HellishChildren on

    These people who care so much about the unborn don’t put the same energy into letting the public know about the Safe Haven baby law or raising funds for the climate-controlled incubator that call 911 when a surrendered baby is placed inside.

    They just clutch their pearls when it turns out that mothers aren’t instantly overwhelmed with intense maternal love for a baby that they painfully gave birth to alone in secret.

  5. deathbyswampass on

    Maybe TLC will do a show about dumpster diving for babies.

    I’m tired of this shit. Just allow abortions.

  6. ImplementDry6632 on

    What did you think would happen????? Expect LOTS more of this, plus a drastic rise in child poverty and child abuse. Religious nutjobs live in a fantasyland of their own making and believed there would be a picture book ending if they could save all the fetuses. Absolutely delusional.

  7. spaceballsrules on

    What in the everlasting fuck did they think was going to happen if not exactly this!?

  8. rearlgrant on

    Obviously the Texas GOP does not. When someone shows you who they are, belive them. Single party rule in Texas. The Texas GOP owns this.

    This was foreseeable.

  9. CurrentlyLucid on

    Guess the anti abortion folks forgot how it was before abortion was legal.

  10. Good.

    Texans SHOULD BE horrified at what they’ve wrought with their voting.

  11. Parker_Barker_III on

    There’s a book called The Age of the Child by Kristen Tsetsi, published in 2017.

    Basically abortion is outlawed and children are abandoned, abused, and generally unwanted/unloved.

    Almost like she knew the inevitable was inevitable. Weird.

  12. Existing-Nectarine80 on

    They should be fine to take care of them all, they don’t trust the mothers to make good decisions anyway 

  13. Canadian here watching in horror what’s happening down there in the US & fearful it’ll creep up here.

    What the hell did you think would happen when you force women to have babies they aren’t mentally, physically, socially or financially prepared to have?

  14. hollylettuce on

    To quote women from the former yugoslav republics when abortion was banned. “The state wanted them, therefore they can have them.”

  15. Serialfornicator on

    They should be more than fucking “unsettled.” What exactly did they think was going to happen? A miraculous rainbow filled unicorn world filled with happy families?! They need reality to smack them in the face. This is the top of the iceberg and it will only get worse.

  16. This is what the pro-birth Christians wanted, right? Time for them to step up and start adopting all these unwanted babies.

  17. Morotou_theunashamed on

    Horrible to see this but there hasn’t been sufficient measures to provide for the new children.

    Children that would have been aborted but now have to be cared for…
    There is no advertising of the safe haven program or sex education.

    Such incongruence seems to indicate that this is not simply pro life.

  18. BurnItFromOrbit on

    Republicans are pro-birth, not pro-life. Nothing has been more obvious than this.

  19. highapplepie on

    Who could have foreseen that unwanted pregnancy would turn into an unwanted baby? Are they looking into this? Can we stop the unwanted pregnancy some how? I sure hope they find a solution. 

  20. rockelscorcho on

    Have an abortion, you got a problem. Have a baby and leave it in a dumpster, now it’s the states problem.

  21. Aggressive-Green4592 on

    >Statewide, according to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, at least 18 babies have been abandoned this year. The latest occurred just before Christmas at a Whataburger in San Antonio. A decade ago, the number was seven

    What did they expect when they banned abortion?

    Apparently safe havens aren’t enough, so what’s the next solution, criminalizing?

  22. It is no surprise to me that we saw a spike in interest in sterilization procedures among young adults since Dobbs.

    I suspect that the religious nut jobs that have pushed antiabortion laws are going to go after contraception next (Griswold was predicated on the same foundation as Roe) which will lead to even more interest in sterilization.

    More, I think the real goal is pushing people to have kids whether they want them or not, so the next step would be for these same nutjobs to try to restrict or outlaw voluntary sterilizations.

  23. It’s almost as if people were warned that forced birth doesn’t equate people wanting to take care of babies they didn’t want to have…

  24. Ok_Bookkeeper_3481 on

    That’s precisely what happened in Romania under the soviet regime. The country banned abortions – only to become notorious with the Romanian orphanages.

    Those who don’t learn from history are doom to repeat it.

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