“At the moment heat pumps cost more than boilers but can be as expensive to run because of the cost of electricity,” they said”.
This is really the bigger issue. Electricity is 4X~ the price of natural gas so you have to have a very well planned/installed heat pump for it to make any financial sense to retrofit one. Fitting solar panels and batteries will reduce this cost for some home owners, but it won’t fundamentally change the fact that the marginal pricing structure for electricity is flawed.
We need to fix the pricing issues on a national level rather than trying to mitigate them at an individual homeowner level IMO. Make electricity cheap and people will be falling over themselves to install AHSP and A2A systems.
Dangerous_Zebra_4741 on
This won’t be for everyone, but I’ve been holding off from getting solar and battery storage in the hope all you lovely taxpayers will buy it for me, like youve subsidised my Tesla.
Goldenbeardyman on
The richest (homeowners) being subsidised by the poorest (renters) as usual.
YesAmAThrowaway on
“Cheap loans” you mean loans with an interest rate that means people will actually be able to pay them back without starving?
plawwell on
Gas is the best form of heating for a country like England. Panels are only useful during the summer and no use during cloud covered winter. That’s not considering the new ice age coming there due to global warming,
philster666 on
‘Houseowners’ – to anyone in a flat this is basically irrelevant
sjpllyon on
I’m all for innciatives that allow people to improve the standards of housing. I just hope it isn’t a convaluted and red tapped as much as the innciative that was supposed to allow landlords to improve tenant’s housing. I applied for a grant for my tenant, on her behalf, got told to wait for a phone call back and six months later still nothing. No confirmation either way of being approved or being denied the grant. And the unfortunate reality is I don’t have £10,000 laying around to install solar panels and improve insulation myself. All I’m saying it’s all well and good announcing such a scheme but they need to make it accessible and not filled with a ton of red tape.
ProfessionalCar2774 on
*laughs in flat block*
No doubt the management will utterly gouge the shit out of us, with some totally arbitrary price and no consultation whatsoever
ChocolateLeibniz on
I think it was David Icke that said the next step is green laws to force people who can’t afford to upgrade their homes energy efficiency to sell their property or get in new debt.
BroodLord1962 on
The biggest problem with this is every time any Government does this, the companies that sell and install the panels put their prices up so they get a chunk of the money as well.
Estimated-Delivery on
And then be ripped of by a foreign owned installation contractors charging the tax poster huge sums for a poor quality install with su-prime equipment which fails to deliver savings or electricity and then breaks down whist the installer goes bankrupt and buys a mansion in Croatia. We’ve been here before.
Loreki on
I love being a middle class homeowner. The government is desperate to give us more money.
xParesh on
So as it stands, after several thousands of pounds of personal investment in solar tech you get to pass on your excessive energy back to the grid to earn 4p per kwh after tax – practically nectar point money – to Mega energy corps who will pass it on to other consumers at 25.50p per kwh.
That’s quite a margin there for the middle man.
Blimey, Starmer has found another new way to pass on money from the ordinary who have invested in green energy to the rich under the guise of climate catastrophe.
cozyHousecatWasTaken on
Anything for renters or are we still getting screwed?
“At the moment heat pumps cost more than boilers but can be as expensive to run because of the cost of electricity,” they said”.
This is really the bigger issue. Electricity is 4X~ the price of natural gas so you have to have a very well planned/installed heat pump for it to make any financial sense to retrofit one. Fitting solar panels and batteries will reduce this cost for some home owners, but it won’t fundamentally change the fact that the marginal pricing structure for electricity is flawed.
We need to fix the pricing issues on a national level rather than trying to mitigate them at an individual homeowner level IMO. Make electricity cheap and people will be falling over themselves to install AHSP and A2A systems.
This won’t be for everyone, but I’ve been holding off from getting solar and battery storage in the hope all you lovely taxpayers will buy it for me, like youve subsidised my Tesla.
The richest (homeowners) being subsidised by the poorest (renters) as usual.
“Cheap loans” you mean loans with an interest rate that means people will actually be able to pay them back without starving?
Gas is the best form of heating for a country like England. Panels are only useful during the summer and no use during cloud covered winter. That’s not considering the new ice age coming there due to global warming,
‘Houseowners’ – to anyone in a flat this is basically irrelevant
I’m all for innciatives that allow people to improve the standards of housing. I just hope it isn’t a convaluted and red tapped as much as the innciative that was supposed to allow landlords to improve tenant’s housing. I applied for a grant for my tenant, on her behalf, got told to wait for a phone call back and six months later still nothing. No confirmation either way of being approved or being denied the grant. And the unfortunate reality is I don’t have £10,000 laying around to install solar panels and improve insulation myself. All I’m saying it’s all well and good announcing such a scheme but they need to make it accessible and not filled with a ton of red tape.
*laughs in flat block*
No doubt the management will utterly gouge the shit out of us, with some totally arbitrary price and no consultation whatsoever
I think it was David Icke that said the next step is green laws to force people who can’t afford to upgrade their homes energy efficiency to sell their property or get in new debt.
The biggest problem with this is every time any Government does this, the companies that sell and install the panels put their prices up so they get a chunk of the money as well.
And then be ripped of by a foreign owned installation contractors charging the tax poster huge sums for a poor quality install with su-prime equipment which fails to deliver savings or electricity and then breaks down whist the installer goes bankrupt and buys a mansion in Croatia. We’ve been here before.
I love being a middle class homeowner. The government is desperate to give us more money.
So as it stands, after several thousands of pounds of personal investment in solar tech you get to pass on your excessive energy back to the grid to earn 4p per kwh after tax – practically nectar point money – to Mega energy corps who will pass it on to other consumers at 25.50p per kwh.
That’s quite a margin there for the middle man.
Blimey, Starmer has found another new way to pass on money from the ordinary who have invested in green energy to the rich under the guise of climate catastrophe.
Anything for renters or are we still getting screwed?