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Oh I’m laffin’. MAGA, the people who idealize having a government that tells you how to think, act, what to believe, now is crying because one of their leaders is telling them to how to think, act, and believe.
It’s almost like your vote has consequences and you were warned about the risks of authoritarian leadership. But hey, we’re just libs right, what do we know? It’s not like science, commerce, technology, art, cities, and civilization was born from people who were historically on the side of progress or anything. What do we know?
>“The verification issue also needs to be immediately addressed by X by Elon because ***although it is a separate issue, they seem to be connected***,” she added. “It’s very concerning.”
Emphasis mine, and hopefully every other thinking person’s.
Hilarious. Free speech is not real. Never was.
It’s all fun and games but does this really prevent Republicans from doing damage during the Trump administration? Unlikely.
Leon the guy maga once thought was their free speech knight, now seems to be using his sword to cut their mics. Maybe ‘free speech for some’ is the new slogan
They are only for free speech when it benefits them but when it is anything they disagree with they want to suppress it just like they complain about Cancel Culture and blame it on the Left and say the Left want to control everything but when they get into positions of power like in Florida it is surprise, surprise the conservatives who are banning books with LGBT characters and figures and Black history from libraries and schools and their One Million Moms group throwing tantrums over LGBT characters being in movies and TV Shows and threatening to boycott networks if they don’t cave to their demands just like it has always been the conservatives that wanted to ban Horror movies, porn, Rock, Heavy Metal and Rap music.
Elon: I’m a free speech absolutist. Everyone can express whatever opinion they like.
MAGA: We don’t like H1B visas.
Elon: Go FUCK YOURSELVES IN THE FACE. <suspends their accounts>
As bad as Musk is, 100% on his side over groyper “blood and soil” nazis here. I’ll take ‘capitalist wants to exploit labor’ over ‘people want to make US an ethnostate forcibly’ for any price. Small wins.
Quelle surprise!
Boo fucking hoo
Elon says El-no to Maga!
Lol no shit
Everyone knew this coalition between Tech bros and MAGA wouldn’t last long. MAGA just can’t help themselves with the racism and I don’t feel sorry for the other camp either. They knew who they voted for, so let them eat each other for all I care.
Elon may actually spell out what useful idiots MAGA have been in plain English, which would be delightful.
I am so delighted that MAGA is self-fulfilling their prophecies, (i.e. stupid conspiracy theories), and fucking each other as a result.
This really warms my heart to see further proof that neither MAGA nor Musk are the geniuses they pretend to be.
[Hey Elon, we all know you are lurking on Reddit because Twitter is shit and you have plenty of free time since you really do not produce any products or actually run your companies because you obviously are a weird promotional tool that attracts the mass of dunderheads.
Accordingly, I only have a huge fuck off to you. I have NO twitter account. So have fun Musk at trying to get another person who does not stupidly fall for your b.s.]
All it takes is one MAGA fanatic to shoot Elon and we will have complete anarchy in the streets
The thing about Fascism is that its an ideology that shrinks its “in-group” instead of growing it. At a certain point less and less people will be welcome into it, until it reaches a point where they are just a minority in themselves that has really burned a lot of people.
No leopard will go hungry for the next 4 years.
People cannot prohibit “free speech”, only the government can
lol please give everyone more of what they voted for.
How’s that “government run like a business” workin’ for y’all?
Again why is twitter so important. It’s a child’s thing
Yet another FAFO for the MAGA cult. In today’s episode they learn what free speech really is. You’re free to say whatever you want but that doesn’t absolve you of any consequences!
I remember reading *1984* and thinking that naming the Ministry of Truth the building in which propaganda and lies are churned out, the Ministry of Peace where war and violence were concocted, etc was really rather silly.
Now I read people unironically calling Musk a “free speech champion” and realize how right Orwell was