Elon Musk befürwortet das X-Post-Bashing, indem er amerikanische Arbeiter „re***t“ | „Das bringt es ziemlich gut auf den Punkt“, antwortet Trumps „bester Kumpel“ auf die Beleidigung



  1. ResidentKelpien on

    As a volunteer for the Special Olympics, I am certain that people who use the “re**ded” slur are persons who have no compassion or care for actual disabled persons because they cannot fathom anything beyond their lily-footed entitlement.

    Only abled jerks with personality issues demean disabled persons by using the “re**ded” slur.

  2. octogonmedia on

    Oh the billionaire does not have empathy for workers color me surprise

  3. bummed_athlete on

    This rift was inevitable, as Musk basically bought into the Trump campaign and they formed an alliance of mere convenience. (Same with RFK.) Elon would have bought into another campaign if he thought they would win instead.

  4. Billionaire Tech-Bros vs The Deplorables is becoming my favorite show ever.

    I will never understand how so many people could be so foolish as to actually believe that billionaires would have any interest in enriching low-education, low-information, rural small towners especially when they have the resources of the world at their fingertips.

    Just because someone hates on what you hate on does not mean they respect you.

  5. cmfarsight on

    Musk is now annoyed at maga for not liking him enough, just like when he ran to maga in the first place after progressives didn’t like him enough. He is nothing but ego and can’t take any criticism at all from anyone.

  6. Emotional-Cause-5760 on

    I don’t really care what a narcissist rich, never actually done a thing on his piece of shit thinks. Dude may be rich but he’s a waste of air

  7. PleasantWay7 on

    Don’t let it get lost in all this that Musk loves H1-B because he can make them slaves. When he laid off a shitload of Twitter and made everyone go “hardcore” it was those on a visa stuck to sick it up that couldn’t bounce nearly as easily as others. He wants to load up his “hardcore” employees and lock them in.

  8. AceMcLoud27 on

    The crazy part? There are still maga morons who believe they are not just useful idiots.

  9. SquigglySharts on

    For someone claiming to be on the spectrum endorsing someone using the r slur is just so especially repugnant. Fuck you elon. Sit on a fucking stake you piece of shit

  10. The world’s richest man calls American workers the r-slur while the American paper of record, New York Times, doesn’t say a fucking word about it. Absolutely pathetic.

  11. Mr-ReDiCulouZ on

    From the mind who said homelessness doesn’t exist anymore… yeah, checks out. He’s not checked out though, he’s just staying in a 5-star resort hotel never leaving it to see the real world around him.

  12. ihatethistimeline24 on

    That hilarious considering that Elon’s own teacher labeled him that word. 

  13. steve_ample on

    Ultimately the war on the “others” hinges on the definition of “others.”

  14. cabana_bandit on

    Ironically seems like maga is realizing what they want is to be treated with dignity and respect and to have opportunities to upskill along with their fellow countrymen. AKA democratic Socialism. But because they can’t get their head out their ass they will just scream communism and be a billionaires lapdogs praying to see themselves as friends, like if they could share a beer with him. Except the billionaires don’t want shit to do with them. See rich guy video next to Christmas tree calling everyone “stupid poor fucks”.

    Elon is kinda right. Intellectual immigration is needed because you know everyone in America wants to be an influencer now. 🥴

  15. PalmTreeIsBestTree on

    Your teacher called you that Musk. I think they were right.

  16. TheCelestialDawn on

    It’s hilarious slowly starting to see conservatives starting to think. (or at least trying to).

    Let’s preserve national values by… checks notes… voting for Trump and Musk.. hahaha.

  17. JenkinsHowell on

    so basically what elmo likes about MAGA are the ignorant masses who don’t question him and believe he generally knows better. the minute somebody questions him he’s out. educating MAGA is a dealbreaker, because we can’t have that, like, informed people with good education. that basically sums-up elmo and his allegedly intelligent bros. it’s not just money for me, but not for thee, it’s also education for me, but not for thee, because that could at some point become an issue.

  18. QuantumWire on

    “Americans are uneducated, let’s shut down the DoE and ban some more books.”

    President Elon and VP Vivek

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