Europäische Kolonien, 1763

Von RevolutionBusiness27


  1. YourSnakeIsNowMine on

    You can tell whoever made this map doesn’t play Paradox games because god damn it why isn’t Britain SALMON /hj

  2. new spain wasnt a colony, it was spanish ruled mexico trying to expand itself north

    while others were trying to expand themselves different direction, and expansions like that were occurring prior to US being created

  3. clay737373 on

    Must of been a very early 1763 map because a couple of months later this map would look quite different.

  4. 84purplerain on

    i will never forgive the french for losing the seven years’ war

  5. there actually was more from dutch, like amish are actually descendants from a new netherlands that fell apart

  6. CheesecakeWeak on

    The french actually didn’t control shit, they had a network of alliances with the natives where the french would protect them in exchange the natives sold stuff almost exclusively to the french

  7. Seeing Britain green and Spain red gave me a stroke.

    Britain is RED and Spain is YELLOW damn it!

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