Mann wird beschuldigt, Fernsehreporter angegriffen zu haben und gesagt zu haben: „Das ist jetzt Trumps Amerika“


  1. “Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’” These pathetic fucks will soon learn that they are not immune from being beaten by their own kind. Stupid is a bottomless hole.

  2. Rock-n-roll-Kevin on

    MAGA fanatic Patrick Egan followed KKCO reporter Ja’Ronn Alex for several miles by car. Egan, who was driving a taxi, pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight and said: “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now! I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!” After following the reporter to the news station, Egan rushed and tackled the reporter and began choking them until he was restrained by several KKCO employees.

    Egan is facing felony charges of bias-motivated crimes, 2nd degree assault by strangulation, and harassment. bail set at $20,000.

  3. stonedtarzan on

    ooh the fascist in power make you feel like you can do a hate crime? I feel like one of these days im going to have to kill some Nazis.

  4. esther_lamonte on

    This headline soft sells what happened. This lunatic followed a reporter for 40 miles by car then ran and tackled him as the reporter tried to flee from his car to the news station door to safety, and then proceeded to choke him.

  5. Cannibal_Yak on

    Fuck it! If You see these right wing fucks, flog the fuck outta them 

  6. MitochonAir on

    MAGA attracts stupid people like flies are attracted to shit. This is not an opinion, this is fact.

  7. I’m confused by Trump’s America, are they deporting immigrants or bringing more in?

  8. happycows808 on

    Lots of maga followers are religious zealots that pick and choose what they believe or die hard Republicans who will pick and choose what to believe when it comes to Trump.

    If you notice the one thing they have in common is blind faith and a massive level of stupidity and denial. But I’m sure the Germans did too when Hitler told them to hate a demographic of people. Just like how maga Republicans are scapegoating the trans Americans.

  9. Do_or_Do_Not480 on

    Trumpmerica is an ugly place. Look for more stories like this in the next 4 yrs, unfortunately….

  10. AdministrativeBank86 on

    Egan you big dummy, only Trump gets to commit crimes in “Trumps America”

  11. Huh.  So basically he retroactively made the basic premise behind the Jussie Smollett hoax far more plausible.  

  12. Remember when those guys beat up journalist claiming this is Biden America now?

  13. TheeVagabond on

    This is interesting because I have a not-white family member that lives in a pretty white area, and he’s told me stories about hostile people saying pretty much the same thing the guy said to the reporter.

  14. mangosteenfruit on

    I don’t even understand why there are military dudes that are for Trump.

  15. Formal_Place_7561 on

    Western Slope. Same folks who brought us Tina Peters and Beetlejuice Boebert.

  16. SolarDynasty on

    This is what America voted in, folks. It’s going to get worse.

  17. Built-in-Light on

    Anyone upvoting this is no better than the maga idiots they despise

  18. HussingtonHat on

    So when your inevitably fucked by policy it’ll be his fault right…?

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