Staaten, in denen sich mehr als 1 % der Bevölkerung als amerikanische Ureinwohner identifizieren

Von dphayteeyl


  1. dphayteeyl on

    This is the sharpest East-West Divide I recall seeing ever, with only North Carolina and Hawaii being outside their continuous area. Really surprised seeing states like California and Minnesota being green and states like Iowa and Michigan being Red. Anything about North Carolina that makes it stand out from the crowd? (even if it’s only by 0.1%)

  2. Gan_the_Kobold on

    Guy from US:
    ImMIgraNTs arE RuInig OuR coUnTry.

    Me to him:
    You are a f*cking immigrant.

    Or the your ancestors were. But yea, you are ruinig your country, so you are kinda right.

    (Edit: Not saying immigrants arent a problem, but they are all still people and deserve to be treated as such. They need to be integrated into society. They could even benefit the USA.
    What i mean is: immigrants are NOT the root of all evil, as some very smart (/s) people claim.)

  3. livid_insanity on

    It is interesting to see North Carolina on there. The green states have many reservations. It is sad to see so much of the Midwest/ Eastern United States so red, but unfortunately we all know the consequences that the Manifest Destiny and The Trail of Tears had on the Native American people.

  4. EnvironmentalEnd6104 on

    I wonder what the map looks like if we count mestizo as native.

  5. CounterSilly3999 on

    Hawaii have 10% Polynesians. Are they not native? Or not Americans? Are Native American immigrants considered more native there as Hawaiians themselves? 🙂

  6. I always thought it was strange that the American Indian – Alaska Native category didn’t include Native Hawaiians in it. It’s true that Polynesians are distinct from Native Americans, but still, they’re also indigenous to the territory of the modern USA (and Hawaii would be another green state if they were labelled that way)

  7. eastcoasters dont seem to understand what these indians are, and in west we call them mexicans

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