Bandenmitglied und Entführer von Labour vorzeitig aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, verspottet Keir Starmer in einem Weihnachts-Rap-Song

Von pppppppppppppppppd


  1. LabLivid5343 on

    He was ‘let out’ by the chronic underfunding of our prison system.

  2. ClassicFlavour on

    > “I find it funny because I’m far from a crook”

    Said the crook just out of jail.

  3. socratic-meth on

    > Donkoh was eligible for Labour’s early release scheme and was released two weeks early.

    He was released a whole two weeks early. The problem wasn’t the early release scheme that barely had any effect in this case, it is that a violent unrepentant scum bag was not given a a much larger sentence. Build more prisons.

  4. Tentacled_Whisperer on

    Well they needed the cell for people saying rude things online. Checkmate bigots!

  5. Alienatedpig on

    Eagerly waiting on the “justice for Chris Kaba” crowd to join the bandwagon here

  6. Amazing_Battle3777 on

    Justice system needs an overhaul – absolutely disgusting people walk serving 40% for anything but this is a joke.

    Victims are routinely humilated when people leave prison early. Prisoners get more human rights and thought than victims currently.

  7. CalicoCatRobot on

    Well done for giving the twat the publicity he clearly wanted.

    He was released in November, **2 weeks earlier than he would have been**.

    So he’d have been out by the time he released the song, regardless.

    He clearly put that line in to get some publicity, and of course it worked…

    Still, maybe they can find a reason to recall him – not a great idea to piss off the people who have the power to send you back…

  8. ScarIndependent3676 on

    Who the fuck cares? Whats the story here; trash person acts like trash? Are we expecting Starmer to release a diss song in response?

    Absolutely juvenile even reporting on this.

  9. SethTaylor987 on

    He was released two weeks early

    Nice bit of misinformation with that title, Independent. Bunch of scumbags.

  10. The prisons were literally full, we had to let people out. The government says it’s going to build more capacity so we don’t have to do this in future.

    This gentleman is obviously a bad lot and it’s a shame that he has to be let out early, of course. And there are real problems with the “culture” in this “community” which we’ve allowed ourselves to sleepwalk into by not pushing immigrants (over the last 50 years – reporting suggests this guy is “British” i.e. born here) to integrate with wider society. But neither of those is something the government can immediately do anything about.

  11. Was only two weeks early. But he only did half of a 12 year sentence.
    12 years should surely mean 12 years.

  12. remedy4cure on

    JSO got five years for protesting.

    This guy got five years for torturing a child, and let out early.

    That other protester had to get thrown back in prison cos the braclet wouldn’t fit her wrist.

    Who would you rather meet in a dark alley, that lady, or this guy?

  13. > Donkoh was eligible for Labour’s early release scheme and was released two weeks early.

    Two weeks. Is anyone honestly going to claim a fortnight would make the difference?

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