Ethnische Gruppen der Welt, gefärbt nach genetischer Distanz (animiert + Standbild am Ende)

Von fasterthanraito


  1. fasterthanraito on

    The genetic data comes from the Cavalli-Sforza model that measured the FST (autosomal distance) between local population samples from across the world.
    These local populations are then represented on the map using the primary ethnic groups of each region, with the spread of each ethnicity being approximated from available majority-language/self-identification data.

    The entire color spectrum is used to represent all human genetic diversity.
    The closer the hue; the closer the relationship
    Color darkness/lightness are included to help visually differentiate between populations that are of similar hue.

    For the animated GIF, I combined ethnicities with their genetically closest neighbors, re-coloring along the way to represent the new average genetic distance the combined group covers.
    This is done until there is only 1 ethnic group remaining: the human race, and the gif loops back.

    There is a discontinuity between levels 45 and 79 due to lack of detailed information on the phylogenetic tree beyond major branches.

  2. dudewithafez on

    how come a vastly multiethnic country like russia just one color all the time?

  3. Fun Fact: The fact that Africa has the widest range of DNA among pure Homo-Sapien DNA (non-Neanderthal, non-Denisovan) is evidence of the Out Of Africa theory of human evolution. Because Homo Sapiens lived in Africa for significantly longer than other regions, and because only select groups left Africa leading to less genetic diversity outside of Africa.

  4. arcticsummertime on

    How are Madagascans more closely related to Africans than Indonesians and Malay ppl?

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