Beamte des Militärgeheimdienstes, die verdächtigt werden, Kontakt zur nordkoreanischen Botschaft in der Mongolei aufgenommen zu haben, wurden vom mongolischen Geheimdienst festgenommen

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  1. For those who can’t read Korean, the Mongolian intelligence found it suspicious that Koreans who came in on tourism visas were meeting many government officials during the winter, and arrested them:

    >몽골 정보기관은 이들이 여행 비수기인 한겨울에 관광 비자로 들어온 뒤 입국 목적과 무관한 정부 인사 등을 빈번히 만나고 다니는 것을 수상히 여겨 이들을 체포했다고 한다.

    Those men (one Lt. colonel and one major) turned out to be officers from Korea’s military intelligence (KDIC), and were released when the commander of military intelligence Moon Sang Ho (문상호) personally went to Mongolia to explain the situation and requested their release.

    > 이 과정에서 구명 활동은 문상호 정보사령관이 직접 맡았다고 한다. ㄱ 중령과 ㄴ 소령은 몽골에서 보통의 간첩죄 사범들처럼 장기간 구금되지 않고 조기에 풀려날 수 있었다

    Former KDIC commander Moon Sang Ho is currently under investigation for playing a active role in Yoon’s martial law/self coup attempt, **and is being investigated for using intelligence black ops units (HID) during the martial law, possibly for false flag operations.**

    Most importantly, when the Ministry of Defense and the military intelligence KDIC was contacted by reporters to comment on this situation, they replied that the matter is classified and refused to clarify:

    > 정보사는 한겨레의 사실 확인 요청에 “문 사령관이 지난 5월 몽골을 다녀온 사실은 있다”면서도 ‘ㄱ 중령과 ㄴ 소령이 몽골에서 체포된 사실이 있느냐’는 질문에는 “확인이 제한된다”고 했다.

    As of now, the KDIC [acknowledges that officers were sent to Mongolia on a routine trip,]( but denies that they contacted the North Korean embassy in Mongolia. They refused to clarify whether the officers were arrested in Mongolia by Mongolian intelligence:

    >정보사는 북한대사관과 접촉을 위해 몽골 정부 측과 만난 사실이 없다고만 밝혔을 뿐, 공작 요원들이 몽골 정보기관에 검거됐는지 여부 등에 대해서는 설명하지 않았다.

    **This begs the question: Why were intelligence officers travelling to Mongolia 10 days before the martial law out of the blue, and why were they arrested?**

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