Trump bittet den Obersten Gerichtshof um Erlaubnis, TikTok retten zu dürfen


  1. Gingerhead14 on

    This was because he found out that a TikTok video of HIS had a lot of views.

  2. SerialBitBanger on

    This looks like a job for…«checks notes»  A man who bankrupted multiple casinos and who was unable to sell steaks, football, and whiskey to American males.

  3. busdrivermike on

    The SCOTUS has no role here, since they gelded themselves last year by indemnifying the POTUS while the President is in office.

  4. Stlouisken on

    According to the article. Trump says he “alone possesses the consummate dealmaking expertise, the electoral mandate, and the political will to negotiate a resolution to save the platform.”

    What a fucking narcissistic twat!🙄

  5. karenskygreen on

    Trump won the presidency by a wide margin,.his.ego is now unleashed like he hit a big bowl of coke and will keep hitting it until he is master of the universe.

  6. TheVideogaming101 on

    I don’t get why people are surprised about this, as soon as Trump won everyone knew he’d try and save it.

  7. nobodyspecial767r on

    He gets elected and every post about him prior to him even being back in office comes across like he’s already there.

  8. whyreadthis2035 on

    Because we live in an Oligarchy. Democracy is a delusion. Everything is for sale. It doesn’t matter that brain rot is real. The mental health effects of over exposure to online content are real. This is end game baby. He who dies with the most money is still dead. But that’s the game. Make way for the Octopus.

  9. Louiethefly on

    The best policy has to serve the national interest. Trump has no experience serving any interest but his own.

  10. BecauseSeven8Nein on

    I hate this guy but I’m actually for this. TikTok is where I get news even before I get it from Reddit. And I love Reddit.

  11. Candid-Sky-3709 on

    Trump’s bribes have arrived, let’s stop my threats dear supreme court. Have you received your Supreme Corrupt Of the US cuts as well? /s


    Trump was the one to first propose a Tiktok ban years ago but earlier in 2024 after he had lunch with his billionaire buddy, Jeff Zass, who owns a massive stake in Tiktok, he literally changed his stance on the platform over night. Dude is literally willing to sell out the entire youth population of the US and our national security to “help” a “friend” make more money.

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