Nettobeiträge zum EU-Haushalt nach Mitgliedstaaten (2021, in Millionen Euro)

Von karavanjo


  1. 📌 Net contributions to the EU budget, by member state (2021, in million euros). Which Countries are EU Contributors and Beneficiaries?

    🗨️ The map visualization uses data from the chart “[Which Countries are EU Contributors and Beneficiaries?](” published by Katharina Buchholz on June 27, 2023. The figures are calculated as contributions minus money received.

  2. FingalForever on

    From an Irish perspective, noting Ireland used to be ‘in the red’ but thank God for the EU, has become a contributor.

  3. DonKarlitoGames on

    I can see why Hungary, Poland, and Greece are so against the EU.. those red numbers are BAD, and we should be out-raged! /s

  4. OldWallaby2406 on

    More interesting would be map of net contributions per capita. I think Poland has population around 10 times larger than Lithuania

  5. Nothing against the map but there is more to the EU than who is paying in and who is getting funded.

     Being in the single market is well worth whatever the contributers are paying. 

    These maps don’t show the money made in taxes from the industries profiting from market access.

  6. MirageCaligraph on

    So Germany ia funding the EU. And Hungary, the country who are the loudest when it comes to complains, are the cost intensivest country.

    It like in the business. The customers with the smallest revenue are the loudest.

  7. CrazyTop9460 on

    Whats the point of EU expansion if all the new countries will be net negative contributors?

  8. Anyusername7294 on

    I know it’s inmeasurable, but I want to see real numbers. Like Germany is blue on the map, but I reality they’re getting so much money because they’re part of EU

  9. coraldomino on

    Wait Sweden is number 5? I’m really surprised by that for some reason. I’ve heard so much about that “it’s natural that we’re strong armed out of making demands because we’re not the powerhouse we used to be”, but looks like we still are pulling our weight. But if anything that kind of disappoints me, then we have to power to make demands but our politicians just don’t have the spine.

  10. WhoAmIEven2 on

    Why is Poland so low in the minus? Their economy feels like it has skyrocketed since they joined the EU and have really improved their state from a really poor nation to a healthy country.

  11. Per Capita sorted: €/p.P.

    * Netherlands 386
    * Germany 306
    * Denmark 296
    * Sweden 268
    * Finland 198
    * France 181
    * Austria 168
    * Ireland 132
    * Italy 57
    * Malta -25
    * Spain -40
    * Slovenia -182
    * Cyprus -184
    * Romania -213
    * Belgium -249
    * Slovakia -258
    * Czechia -262
    * Bulgaria -268
    * Portugal -294
    * Poland -325
    * Greece -411
    * Hungary -439
    * Croatia -452
    * Lavia -459
    * Estonia -530
    * Lithuania -535
    * Luxembourg -3006

  12. Jazzlike_Painter_118 on

    From 2021 this will be distorted by the countries most affected by covid.

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