Fußgänger kommt bei Zusammenstoß in Carlow ums Leben


Von siciowa


  1. Pablo-gibbscobar on

    Thank the minister for justice. Absolutely no guards at all, no policing the roads except at peak traffic times to catch the no tax and insurance lads. The m50 and m1 are a free for all, country roads are a battle zone and the bad drivers have no repercussions. Drink driving should be an instant ban, no chance for a licence as long as you live, speeding should be a percentage of your annual wage, if the cost of speeding was 5% of your gross pay you would definitely think again before speeding. Criminal records should be issued like smarties for driving offences. Benefits cut for anyone on the dole caught in a driving offence. Only way to stop this bad driving that is plaguing the country

  2. Yellowbyte on

    Woman in her 70s run over by a man in 20s.
    Probably looking at his phone.

    This has to stop.

  3. MulticolourMonster on

    Sadly not surprised, Carlow drivers are fuckin idiots

    Almost got hit twice in the past year because a driver went full speed through a green pedestrian light, and had a close call when a driver flew around the corner full speed without indicating they were gonna turn that way. Lost count of how many times I’ve seen em doing whatever the fuck they want in a one-way system

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