„Das Böse aufdecken“ – Die Kriegsziele Nazi-Deutschlands.

Von Difficult_Airport_86


  1. Evol_extra on

    Damn, looks like only country giving a fuck about Ukraine was nazi Germany.

  2. It would never be possible for Nazi Germany to expand so much east, as their troops and logistics would be so difficult at time I guess…because it would be very spread out.

    By the way… was it their intention to “germanize” all those territories?

  3. ImSomeRandomHuman on

    It has been a common misconception for a very long time by people that do not understand History proficiently that the Nazis desired to conquer the world, which is verily and has been evidently false. Even as for the conquest of the USSR, the Nazis only desired to claim up to the Urals, and the reason being the Nazis thought worldwide rule and absolute domination would weaken the German Nation and its People, as they would grow complacent, weak, and decadent, and as such, Hitler desired an eternal front between the Germans and the Untermensch, being the Urals, so that every generation, a fresh batch of young German men would be hardened and experienced, retaining a strong Volk and Nation. The idea that Hitler and the Nazis desired to conquer the world and exterminate all non-Germans is arbitrary and founded only on egregious extrapolation, characterization, and misunderstanding of context and history.

  4. nazis want to take over europe but so does soviet union

    and they want to take over africa and places like that but so does france

  5. Hitler literally wanted an eternal war. USSR was supposed to be pushed to the other side of the urals, and there allowed to continue existing or be replaced with whatever successor state. Hitler did not want to go further. The urals would be garrisoned by a standing army, a living wall. Constant fighting was supposed to keep the germans tough, so that they would never fall into decadence or become degenerate in his eyes.

  6. I know it’s a cliche what if but I truly so wonder what would have happened if Germany hadn’t attacked Russia and focused on the west.

  7. CosmicPlayzYt on

    Didn’t the nazis want Germany’s eastern border to be on the Yenisei River?

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