Kevin O’Leary sagt, er sei auf dem Weg zu Trumps Anwesen in Mar-a-Lago, um über die „Wirtschaftsunion“ zwischen den USA und Kanada zu diskutieren.


  1. PlacentPerceptions on

    Did I miss something? Are we sending failed leadership candidates to negotiate our country’s independence now? He also stated that over half of Canadians want to be merged under the US. Did he poll the worms living in his brain?

  2. tchomptchomp on

    I’m looking forward to viewing the Samizdat on Netflix. And viewing the Samizdat on Netflix. And viewing the Samizdat on Netflix. And…

  3. Cool. Just stay there, Kevin. No doubt there are more guys like Sam Bankman-Fried to be found around Maralago for you to rave about and invest in. Just stay there and do that.

  4. MurdaMooch on

    I’m sure he will give awesome advice. Really doing well after putting all my money in ftx, Thanks Kevin sounds investment advice !!!

  5. Task_Defiant on

    Kevin O’Leary couldn’t get the majority of conservatives to agree for him to speak on their behalf. The fuck he thinks the other 70% of country trusts him to speak on their behalf?

  6. FingalForever on

    Canada needs to explore membership of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). While we currently cannot obtain EU membership, the next best thing is EFTA.

    Since I was born, governments have strived to reduce reliance upon the USA. We need to push this down to a level where it hurts but does not cripple us.

  7. Comm_Clash on

    Good. Canadians have been told for a generation now that open borders and open markets make societies fairer and more prosperous. Let them put their money where their mouth is and erase this fictional distinction we’ve invented.

  8. O’Leary is only relevant to
    Americans. To Canadians he’s just that weirdo ex dragons den guy who wanted to be prim mister. But ended up being involved with a boat.

  9. BornAgainCyclist on

    Postmedia has really gone mask off these last few months in outing themselves as an advertorial company for the Conservative parties rather than an actual news media organization.

    I mean they’ve always been that way, especially with writers having conflicts of interest, but they really aren’t trying to hide it anymore.

  10. FoxyInTheSnow on

    I have a hunch that oleary does better being a dickhead windbag on a reality show or (allegedly) drunkenly murdering boaters than trying his hand at statecraft.

  11. Kevin O’Leary is a fraudster, not a financial guru. I can see why a guy like him would look up to Trump, but he doesn’t represent the rest of us in any capacity. Shame on Postmedia for suggesting otherwise.

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