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This is stupid, why not make this a map of the world instead?
5 oldest companies in the world are all in Japan.
In fact, a study found that 56% of all companies older than 200 years are in Japan.
In other words, [there are more companies older than 200 years in Japan than outside of Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_companies).
It’s worth noting that the oldest of the Unitedstatian ones, Zildjian the cymbal maker, is an Armenian-run business founded in Istanbul, which only moved to America in the 1920s. And Shirley Plantation is strangely absent
I wonder what company is in Bosnia…
I don’t know. I just don’t think there are ONLY 9 breweries that old in the Czech Republic.
What would that company be in Bosnia and Herzegovina? I always taught that the Sarajevo brewery is the oldest. Founded in 1864.
How can the USA get 7 when the country didn’t even EXIST in 1700 ?
Interesting trivia, but as a map it’s presented very poorly.
Is this map based on where those companies were founded? And how are countries like the US or Germany that didn’t exist in 1699 counted? Location only or…?
I am assuming that this *is* in fact meant to be businesses that date prior to 1700 and not as the title suggests that are more than 1700 years old.
I see that a bunch of old foreign companies have launched their special economic operation on Russia.
Nice map
If this is right I’m pretty shocked USA got only 7.
I assume Canada’s is the Bay (formerly the Hudson Bay Company)
[Banca Monte dei Paschi de Siena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banca_Monte_dei_Paschi_di_Siena) which was founded in 1472 is still in operation up to this day.
Germany and japan are similar in many aspects, they should form an ally
Is Canada’s the HBC?
Interesting that there are that old companies still operating in countries from the former communist block
What’s the Mexican one?
Edit: It’s La Casa de Moneda de Mexico (est. 1535), the oldest mint in the Americas.
The number for Italy isn’t even close to accurate.
There are a number of pubs, hotels and other businesses in Ireland that have been around since before 1700….
Next time make a world map and use a colour grading to show the number
HBC (Hudson Bay Company) in Canada.
The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), chartered 2 May 1670, is the oldest incorporated joint-stock merchandising company in the English-speaking world. HBC was a fur trading business for most of its history, a past that is entwined with the colonization of British North America and the development of Canada.
I’ve been just last year to the oldest in Italy, a bell foundry founded around 1040. Fascinating place.
German speaking countries seem to have the knack
There is at least 9 pubs in Ireland opened before 1700, do they count as businesses?
Surprised the Netherlands has so few.
Balkans cries in Turkish I assume.
The oldest company in Türkiye (formerly Turkey) is [Çemberlitaş Hamamı](https://www.cemberlitashamami.com/tarihce_en_en-2/). It is a Turkish bath company founded in Istanbul.
The bath was established by Nurbanu Sultan, wife of Selim II and mother of Murat III, for the purpose of bringing in revenue to support the Valide-i Atik Charity Complex in Toptasi, Üsküdar. According to the book of “Tuhfet’ül-mi’mârin”, the bath is one of the structures built by the architect Sinan, in 1584.
It’s interesting when you think how obsessed some of us are with leaving a “legacy”, yet merely 300 years later nobody cares about business activity that took place at the time, with nearly all businesses started then being gone today, and the few still alive having largely nothing in common with their origins.
My barbershop in Japan has been in business 330 years
Does anyone know which one is the one in Colombia?
I live in Aberdeen, Scotland, and we have [The Shore Porters Society](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shore_Porters_Society) founded in 1498. It’s a Haulage and storage company.