HSE warnt davor, dass die Zahl der mit Grippe ins Krankenhaus eingelieferten Menschen „am oberen Ende der Prognosen“ liegt


Von badger-biscuits


  1. We should lock the country down to flatten the curve. If it saves one life it’ll be worth it. If you disagree with me then you are selfish and want people to die.

  2. Having had the flu for 2 weeks and still on the tail end of it let me offer sincere advice… stay home … you do not want this. I’ve never been so sick in my life. I’m a fit healthy, reasonably young person and i was wiped out.. If my elderly parents got it I’d be very worried.

  3. This is why you should get yourself a flu shot before Christmas, especially if you are going to be around children. Those filthy creatures spread disease like nothing else and you need all the protection you can get!

  4. bimbo_bear on

    Mother caught it this year just before Xmas, even with the flu shots she ended up in Hospital for about a week and a half and is now on oxygen sadly.

  5. TheGloriousNugget on

    Every second person I’ve spoken to in the last couple of weeks has either had it themselves or a family member had it. Don’t know how I’ve escaped it so far.

  6. I’m a bit confused about my influenca a….
    First my Fiancé had a fever. A day later i got it and her fever calmed down.

    My fever was around 38.5 highest, hers at 39.3.
    Both had aching legs and arms and my lower back hated me..

    After one day the fever was gone for me too. Day 3 now it’s a rather ugly cough and breathing out I can hear I kinda rattle.

    Got diagnosed in hospital with influenca a , as I went in cause I had some chest discomfort and was in panik cause I had a small heart attack in January….

    I dk if it still comes worse but I didn’t had the flu in yeeears.

  7. thepenguinemperor84 on

    Friend of mine is still in the hospital recovering, it caused 3 heart failures and sent them into a coma, young enough too at only 40, had quit smoking a few years ago and doesn’t drink much and were fairly healthy. Thankfully they’re on the mend after an operation, but it’s going to be a very long recovery time.

  8. So within the predicted (presumably 95%ile CI) range, yes? If yes, then this is inline with expectations.

  9. WirelessThingy on

    I was absolutely wiped with it. To the point where I can’t hear out of my left ear. I first got it on the 18th and I’m still banjaxed. If you have not already, get the jab.

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