Das Kochen bestimmter Gemüsesorten (insbesondere Knoblauch, Zwiebeln und Lauch) in Pflanzenölen bei hohen Temperaturen kann dazu führen, dass sich die Öle in Transfette umwandeln, also ungesunde Fette, die mit einem erhöhten Risiko für Herzerkrankungen verbunden sind



  1. InfiniteVastDarkness on

    From the article:

    > In other words, even though trans-fats were created, they were still a much smaller fraction of the fats that would be the case in processed foods, and nothing to worry about for most people.

    Some interesting science here but as expected mostly clickbaity content. It does go on to say that if you’re in the group that must watch LDL, you should consider avoiding this method of cooking.

    Honestly I use less than a tablespoon of olive oil to cook with, I don’t know why you’d have to pour oil over your vegetables as indicated.

  2. Avocado oil is great for high heat cooking. I wonder if it has the same result as olive oil.

  3. BarbequedYeti on

    High heat onions and garlic? What are you making besides burnt onions and garlic?

  4. sockalicious on

    There are bacteria living in your gut that can re-isomerize fats to the trans configuration, creating trans fats where there were none before. The quantity produced is scant and most experts agree it’s not enough to impact health meaningfully. This looks to be the same.

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