Ein 7-jähriges Mädchen erlitt lebensverändernde Verletzungen, nachdem ihr Quad gegen einen Telegrafenmast krachte, während ein 16-jähriger Junge verhaftet wurde


Von One_Psychology_


  1. CalicoCatRobot on

    What’s the betting the 7yo, who was a passenger on the quad bike, wasn’t wearing a helmet? And that the quad bike wasn’t road legal or had any insurance.

    This was at 10.30 at night too, by a local pub, so definitely not just a “tragic accident” despite precautions. I’m guessing the two adults arrested are the parents, who bought their “darling” 16yo a dangerous weapon and let him risk his and his sisters life being an arsehole on public roads.

    I hope the girl recovers as much as is possible, but my sympathy for everyone else involved is limited.

  2. Adventurous_Miss on

    It raises serious questions about how a 16-year-old got access to a quad bike and why proper safety measures weren’t in place.

  3. Difficult-Broccoli65 on

    Parents need prosecuting for this. Make a fucking example of them.

  4. TherealPreacherJ on

    The number of times I’ve seen quadbikes being driven responsibly on public roads is close to zero (the times I have were by farmers).

    It wasn’t too long ago that three or four kids (on the same quad) were killed when they went into the back of a car on a country road.

    Degenerate behaviour.

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