Ich habe diesen Brief aus Bulgarien in den Sachen meiner Oma gefunden. Kann mir jemand übersetzen?


Von Alex_Knope


  1. A love letter containing the standard cliches about the impossible love and hope that a miracle can happen. It’s still very sweet even though it does not contain much literary value.

  2. Bulgarian_Mapper on

    It’s a love poem from Peyo Yavorov:


    Roughly translated to:

    …But still, I love you. I love you because
    I am far from you—maybe so,
    just as evil is far from good;
    because we are perhaps the children
    of two warring fates.

    …But still, I wait for you. I wait for you because
    I love miracles—maybe
    the earth and the sky will touch us:
    because perhaps even the soul
    never grieves without faith.

    And I wait, in love: perhaps because
    I would choose sorrow over joy,
    to let my eyes wander for you until my final hour;
    because I would choose joy—
    to die from sorrow for you.

    Of course the best way to enjoy poetry is in its original form, but you still get an idea of what the author was trying to say.

  3. ysername11 on

    TLDR; Stefan loves it- her/him/it. But I definitely need to up my game.

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