Wo wurden die Premierminister südasiatischer Länder geboren?(OC)

Von Wally_Squash


  1. Academic_Chart1354 on

    Indian prime ministers born in pakistan are Gulzarilal Nanda and Manmohan Singh( he passed away yesterday)

  2. Wally_Squash on

    I have made a mistake I forgot to mark Modi imagine it on the northeast of the pak dot in Gujarat

  3. Responsible_Boat_607 on

    I think is funny that Afghanistan is South Asia in this map but Maldives not

  4. No-Photograph-8259 on

    It would be nice if the names could be given for all of them as well and who was born where instead of just random dots on the map

  5. ILoveRice444 on

    Recent map post has been shit for give the color on the map

    Hurt the eye

  6. Average_guy0269 on

    Three green dot in Bangladesh and one in West Bengal. Who are they

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