Nigel Farage arbeitet als bezahlter Markenbotschafter für ein Goldbarrenunternehmen

Von birdinthebush74


  1. limeflavoured on

    He’s been doing this for a while, iirc. But it really should be incompatible with being an MP.

    Obviously no government is ever going to actually tighten up the rules on second jobs because it would affect them as well.

  2. Tartan_Samurai on

    *’The job promoting gold is likely to cement the Reform leader’s position as one of the highest paid MPs, earning £177,000 since July from GB News for his work as a presenter. He is separately paid thousands for social media work on Facebook, X and YouTube, as well as recording bespoke Cameo videos.’*

  3. Frog faced racist narcissist does twatty stuff to prove again to the public that he’s a cunt.
    Can’t he go a week?

  4. Empty_Substance_8591 on

    Yep, shocking isn’t it, he’s just like all the other politicians. Although he’s not lining his pockets in the same way the tories did during covid. Of course if he did ever end up ad prime minister I’m sure he would use it to his advantage, like every other prime minister I’ve seen in my lifetime (well the ones competent enough to hold down the job long enough to take advantage)

  5. ProfessionalCar2774 on

    MPs needing/wanting 2nd and 3rd jobs?

    My retail ass: ☠️☠️

  6. tealattegirl13 on

    Tis the Griftmas season after all.

    When are the people of Clacton who voted for this grifter going to realise that Farage does not give a damn about them?

  7. Aware_Ad9809 on

    Man, he’s a slimy piece of shit is he. How do people vote for these clowns 🤡

  8. Inside_Performance32 on

    Anyone else shocked he’s just doing whatever he can for the most amount of money for the least amount of effort ?
    The man is literally throating American oligarchs.

  9. smellmonkey on

    I got abducted by aliens last night and when I was on their ship having experiments done to me I looked around and Nigel farage was there getting bummed by one of the aliens.

  10. Slow_Apricot8670 on

    Pretty much all MPs have an interest in something and a bias and many have other jobs. It’s unsavoury, but his ability to leverage any influence is essentially nil and he fully declared it.

    So I’m presuming it’s a very slow news day.

    I don’t like Farage or what he stands for, I’m more bemused as to why a Guardian journalist is listening to a podcast with Roger Moore and Nigel Farage rather than simply looking at the MPs register of interest.

    That said, it’s not on the register as an interest at the moment. So either it’s new and he’s not declared it, or it’s old and he’s not doing it now. The former you’d think would be the point of such an article, but as it’s not, I’m presuming the latter.

    So TLDR: Nigel Farage used to do something and talked about it.

    Cracking journalism that.

  11. > Nigel Farage has been working as a paid brand ambassador for a gold bullion firm in a third job alongside his roles as an MP and a GB News presenter.

    Isn’t he amazing? He is like a celebrity, actor, brand ambassador, banking cavalier, international relationship guru, muad’dib of the working people, Brexit daddy. Is there no limit to his fame and career?

  12. Werallgonnaburn on

    WTF? Are you saying this true patriot is actually just out for himself and pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible and weakminded?

    Well, I’ll have to sit down after this shocking news!

  13. Coolerwookie on

    He has enormous influence over British politics. Reform UK party now has more members than the Tory party.

    Is Nigel Farage planning on running for PM or who is he supporting for next election? Or who is the US GOP supporting?

  14. SethTaylor987 on

    Uhyep, goes ‘thout sayin’ that a nasty fella like him would be into bullion people

  15. MaxChicken234 on

    The next prime minister of the UK FFS. People will still vote for this clown regardless. 

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