Gefängniswärterin suspendiert, nachdem sie beim Sex mit einem Häftling in der Zelle gefilmt wurde

Von SlySquire


  1. TheClemDispenser on

    > “I know they’re called screws but you can’t be sleeping with prisoners in your prison and definitely shouldn’t do it on camera.”

    Amazing. Best quote I’ve read in a good long while.

  2. EfficiencyLarge2925 on

    What’s the video like? The other one this year was hilarious.

  3. Honest-Landscape-779 on

    freedom of opportunity does not equal freedom from consequence

  4. huntsab2090 on

    Her husband ……. Jesus wept. I think theres a pattern of women with lip injections to look like freaks and literally fucking over their husbands.

  5. TavernTurn on

    Female guards don’t belong in male prisons and vice versa. Why haven’t they put a stop to this shit? Realistically what’s a female guard going to do if things kick off anyway? It’s ridiculous.

  6. “…the privately-run Five Wells prison in Wellingborough”

    The officer will be on minimum wage, I expect, and stands to make more money from that clip than from their wages.
    And the bosses will be baffled …

  7. She didn’t have sex with an inmate… She raped an inmate, because she held a position of power over him.

    Except, she didn’t rape an inmate, because only men can rape in UK law.

    Fucked up on multiple levels.

    Why is this stuff still not standardised and why are we not consistent with its application?

    The immediate downvotes speak volumes.

  8. RedFox3001 on

    29 female prison staff fired for having sex with prisoners! That seems quite a lot

  9. hadawayandshite on

    Something makes me think these people shouldn’t have been made prison guards

    Like the one with the video a few months ago—-surely if you have half a brain you’d go ‘ok even if I want to shag this prisoner which might end up with me losing my job, possibly prison myself etc—-I probably shouldn’t do it in front of his cell mate and let him film it’

  10. Last_Broccoli7178 on

    Women shouldn’t be doing these jobs.

    The ones that do have a screw loose.

  11. Ah… G4S….

    For those of you who aren’t aware, G4S is a rather notoriously terrible private security company.

  12. VamosFicar on

    Was he being considered for ‘early release’, but he just got to go in and out regularly?

  13. MasterLogic on

    How low are your standards to fuck a prisoner who’s still serving time for victimising somebody.

    Like of all the humans in the world, why commit a crime and fuck a terrible person. 

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