National Trust verzeichnet an seinen Standorten einen „alarmierenden“ Rückgang von Insekten und Seevögeln

Von Wagamaga


  1. There have been alarming declines this year in some insect species including bees, butterflies, moths and wasps, while many seabirds have also been “hammered” by unstable weather patterns caused by the climate emergency, a conservation charity has said.

    In its annual report on the impact of the weather on flora and fauna, the National Trust highlights that numbers of bees and butterflies have “crashed” in some areas of the UK in 2024.

    It describes the apparent decline of birds such as the globally threatened Arctic tern as “very shocking” and mentions diseases that are striking the white-clawed crayfish and sycamores.

    There have been some bright spots, including a new breeding grey seal colony on the east coast of England, and the charity also recorded encouraging numbers of owls and other birds of prey, but overall the picture is grim.

  2. Don’t mow your lawn. The birds & insects will be very happy and who even has time for that shit?

  3. Bulky-Comfortable613 on

    Having missed the last 5-great mass extinctions, we are going to be really punctual for the Holocene mass extinction event…

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