Ein 21-jähriger Bodybuilder konsumierte über mehrere Monate hinweg eine Chemikalie namens 2,4-DNP, was zu seinem Tod durch Multiorganversagen führte. Sein chronischer Konsum in Kombination mit anabolen Steroiden unterstrich die Beschäftigung mit dem körperlichen Erscheinungsbild und deutete auf eine psychiatrische Erkrankung namens Muskeldysmorphie hin.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    A 21-year-old bodybuilder consumed a dangerous chemical known as 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) over several months, leading to his untimely death from multi-organ failure. His chronic use of the substance, combined with anabolic steroids, underscored a preoccupation with physical appearance and suggested a psychiatric condition called muscle dysmorphia. This case study, published in Frontiers in Public Health, sheds light on the extreme risks of unregulated appearance and performance-enhancing drugs, highlighting the challenges healthcare providers face in addressing such cases.

    Muscle dysmorphia, sometimes referred to as “reverse anorexia,” is a psychological condition where individuals obsessively believe their bodies are not muscular or lean enough. This disorder can lead to extreme behaviors, including excessive exercise, restrictive diets, and the use of dangerous substances to achieve an idealized physique.

    The new case report recounts the story of a 21-year-old bodybuilder who regularly consumed 2,4-DNP over six months. His first symptoms appeared during this time, including rapid heartbeat, labored breathing, and excessive sweating—hallmark signs of 2,4-DNP intoxication. Despite these symptoms, he continued using the chemical, likely driven by a desire to maintain a lean and muscular physique.

    Four months before his death, the man was hospitalized with multi-organ failure. While he disclosed his 2,4-DNP use during this hospitalization, he later denied ongoing consumption to his general practitioner. This denial complicated his treatment and delayed accurate diagnosis. Over the following months, his symptoms persisted, and his health deteriorated. Despite multiple consultations and investigations, his condition worsened, culminating in a fatal episode after ingesting a high dose of 2,4-DNP.

    An autopsy revealed signs of both acute and chronic intoxication. His blood concentration of 2,4-DNP was found to be at lethal levels, and segmental hair analysis confirmed long-term use. The autopsy also identified chronic abuse of anabolic steroids, further highlighting the risks of combining dangerous substances. The bodybuilder’s preoccupation with his appearance, coupled with his disregard for the health consequences, supported a suspected diagnosis of muscle dysmorphia.

  2. Fecal-Facts on

    If this is the DNP I am thinking of then yeah it’s highly fatal if miss used and most people don’t touch the stuff for this reason.

    It was originally invented to make people warm during freezing temperatures or worms by forcing your body to burn carbohydrates and this causes fat to just melt off but it turns your insides into a oven.

    Very dangerous and very easy to mistake.

  3. SIX months of DNP???

    Holy cow, he really must have been fat.

    I have heard stories from guys who took it for a few days, maximum a week or so. Most people described it as hell. Permanent sweating, heart racing, anxiety through the roof. And it burns off body fat so fast you can basically see it.

    Six months is insane.

  4. 2,4-DNP sounds interesting. Isn’t it possible to shrink the dose to such a small amount that it would become a safe fat burner drug? Or is it just so bad for your body that any effective dose is dangerous no matter what?

  5. I wonder if that it is a relative of hydrazine, most toxic and cancerogenic rocket fuel, has something to do with its toxicity.

  6. armchairdetective on

    That’s so tragic.

    The man probably thought he was doing his research and knew what he was taking to build muscle.

    There are many such cases with other interactions.

    It would be great if there were more reputable sources that young men would go to for advice. No doctor would have recommended this.

    Tragic to see a young man die like this. But the science is very interesting.

  7. Babyfart_McGeezacks on

    All I know about DNP is that it’s considered practically unusably dangerous even in heavy drug-use bodybuilding circles.

  8. patricksaurus on

    DNP should remain on everyone’s no-go list.

    (Here’s a link to the supplement with the result showing what else they were taking.)[https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/1452196/fpubh-12-1452196-HTML/image_m/fpubh-12-1452196-t002.jpg]

  9. Higgsboson00 on

    I have read somewhere that 2,4 DNP is an uncoupler of Electron Transport Chain/Oxidative Phosphorylation. Oxidative Phosphorylation is basically the final boss/step where the electrons extracted from the food(Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats) are used to create a Proton gradient and the proton gradient developed is used for synthesis of ATP.

    Take the jargon, and 2,4 DNP basically hinders the ATP synthesis through the regular process and less ATP is generated. So, the cells compensate by burning the stored Fat and generating more ATP.

    So, the body attains lean muscle mass as the stored Fat is shedded away.

    I mean, Why?

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