Die Ukraine bestätigt, dass sie ein großes russisches Munitionsdepot zerstört hat



  1. Old_Lengthiness3898 on

    I really would feel terrible if Ukraine treated Moscow like Moscow has treated Ukraine before the next administration. The Kremlin is a unesco world heritage site, after all.

  2. KevinsOnTilt on

    “Ukrainian sources claim that the attack resulted in the complete destruction of the depot, located at the Kadamovsky training ground in Russia’s southern Rostov region, causing it to erupt in flames.

    The large-scale operation was orchestrated by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) on the night of December 21-22.”

    An early Christmas present.

  3. macross1984 on

    Early for new year but it sure is one big fireworks. Gotta thank Putin for donation.

  4. Ukraine fights clever and destroys the ability of the enemy to fight.

    Russia fights dumb and dirty by attacking civilians.

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