Todesfälle durch Schlangenbisse in den Vereinigten Staaten nach Landkreisen

Von -A13x


  1. The relatively high number of captive snake bite deaths in Appalachia is due to the practice of snake handling in religious settings. Almost every time the victim refuses the antivenom as it is prohibited by the church.

  2. In Australia our annual snake bite death ratio is only 0.03 per 100k people, believe it or not

  3. Different-Produce870 on

    What’s the time period represented on the map? A single year? Several? Last 50?

  4. YellowBastard37 on

    Welcome to Minnesota. No hurricanes, no snake or shark deaths, no earthquakes.

    You might freeze to death if you get a flat tire in the boonies in January, but the snakes are as gentle as kittens.

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