Nach Moskaus Weihnachtsstreik erhöhen die USA ihre Waffenhilfe für die Ukraine. Fast drei Jahre nach Beginn des Krieges hat Washington 175 Milliarden US-Dollar an Hilfe für die Ukraine zugesagt.


  1. Serious_Policy_7896 on

    And give the ‘good’ stuff please; the longest range.air to air missiles for example.


      Why do supply surges have to relie on Ukraine getting hit again to happen?

      Send them what they need, and in a way the Ukrainians don’t end up with shell hunger and the invaders doesn’t end up with a good night’s sleep.

  3. Sec_Journalist on

    I wish journalists stopped using monetary values as measurement of aid. It only created a misleading impression for ppl like Trump that Ukraine receives actual billions of dollars which it doesn’t.

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