Das Pharmaunternehmen Meiji Seika Pharma Co. verklagt den Gesetzgeber Kauzhiro Haraguchi (CDP) wegen „Biowaffen“-Behauptung beim COVID-Impfstoff Replicon (Asahi News)


1 Comment

  1. wolframite on

    Kazuhiro Haraguchi 原口 一博

    * wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazuhiro_Haraguchi

    * official HP https://haraguti.com/

    * YT https://www.youtube.com/@kharaguchi

    Haraguchi always wasn’t like this. He seems to have changed dramatically for the worse after his wife died several years ago. Plus, he himself has some sort of auto-immune disorder or leukemia (?) which blames on pre-COVID vaccines. And, in the course of kinda losing his mind, attracted all manner of emotional conspiracy theory groups.

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