Der südkoreanische Geheimdienst bestätigt die Gefangennahme eines verletzten nordkoreanischen Soldaten durch die Ukraine


  1. alwaysfatigued8787 on

    The North Korean soldier will crack after receiving his first hot meal.

  2. Guilty-Top-7 on

    Send him to South Korea for debriefing. Ask him where he was from, his social status, his birthright, etc. Then ask him how he was treated before and after capture. Then if he cooperates give him a steak dinner.

  3. harry_S_gooch on

    Why is the west circle jerking about north Koreans ? The amount of propaganda has been insane.

  4. 000000000-000000000 on

    If you’re ever feeling like life dealt you a bad hand take one look at this guy. God damn

  5. HarperxxGonzalez on

    Wow, that’s unexpected! Ukraine catching an injured N. Korean soldier, seems like there’s more to this story.

  6. “ A photo of the purportedly captured North Korean soldier, who appeared to have sustained injuries, circulated on Telegram. Details of the soldier’s condition and status remained unknown.

    If confirmed, it would mark the first time Ukraine has captured a North Korean soldier engaged in combat, according to Militarny.”

    He looks very not alive to me in that photo. In the uncropped photo it looks like he’s in a bag? 

  7. ArchitectNebulous on

    Honestly wish they would not have shown his face – it will make it much more dangerous for his family now given North Korea’s track record.

  8. kneelbeforegod on

    Good for him. Dude has a chance now to probably the best life he could imagine. Hopefully he will see his family again.

  9. Time-Ad-464 on

    They should feed him really good for a week and send him back to spread the word.

  10. Apexnanoman on

    Surprised they took one alive. Damned difficult to do with hardcore fanatics. 

  11. They need to leave the Ukraine alone asap. They should be home growing food not in the Ukraine fighting for fascism against democracy.

  12. I was expecting him to be more buffed like the ones in those N.Korean commercials. /s

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