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First time I’ve actually seen the United Arab Republic on a real globe, neat
It looks like real ink sooo thank you for the caption lol
No input other than these “help me date my map/globe” posts are some of my favorite…
“Guide to figuring out the age of an undated world map”
Whats West Africa like? there was a lot of changes early 1960 there with Sudan, Algeria and Mali fighting for independence from France.
It possibly saying “The Congo” instead of Belgian Congo dates it to as early as 1960.
You’re right in that the Arab Republic dates it as late as 1961.
Assuming it was up to date at the time it was made (which isn’t always true, maps that are intended primarily for decorative purposes might take several years to update), yeah, looks like 1958-1961 is the range (unless I missed something ofc).
Check West Africa, most of the French colonies (like Mali and Mauritania) were made independent in fall 1960. Combined with Stalingrad, that would narrow it down.
Note that Stalingrad is not a proper *terminus post quem*, in that a globe maker could possibly have used the old name when making the globe after 1961.
Based on
South West Africa (Namibia) which was until 1961, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), which was 1955-1971
Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was until 1963
Bechuanaland which was until 1966
Tanganyika which was until 1961
And United Arab Republic which was 58-61
1958-1961 seems right
I was looking for Zaire 🙁
Neat! Very cool to see the Arab Republic on a globe.
Also I just noticed in the red text in Libya,
“The highest recorded temperature on earth was 136 in Azzizia Libya in 1922”
BUT this record was decertified in 2012. So having that statement is another kind of dating datum, although a pretty useless one, setting this globe between 1922–2012, ha.
1961 I believe
No, it’s 2024, but only for a few more days.
Is there a trademark or copyright date near Antarctica?
You missed Yugoslavia
– Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd on November 10 1961
– Tanganyika existed from December 9 1961 to April 22 1964
So technically at no point was this an accurate globe, however late 1961 is very likely.
These were the borders of Poland in 1945 August
You may know it as Myanmar!
But it’ll always be ‘Burma’, to me.
2037 – the future gets weird again.
Anyone else notice that Odessa is not part of Ukraine? Or am I seeing it wrong?
Look at Yemen, then read their history, easy to figure out from that.
Yugoslavia right in front of you
Omg I had this same globe in the 1980s, maybe it was older than I realized.
“We say Zimbabwe now.” – Jennifer Connelly
Oh my god, I have this exact same globe haha.
It’s from 1961. You can tell because Damascus is labeled as a regional capital, with Cairo being the national capital. This means it has to be between 1958-1961 when the United Arab Republic was still a union before the Syrian coup.
Additionally, Tanzania is still referred to as Tanganyika, but it is not labeled as a British possession, like Mozambique and Angola are labeled as Portuguese possessions. Tanganyika existed from 1961-1964, before changing its name to Tanzania.
Therefore, this globe is from 1961!
Yes, that sounds about right.
It’s hard to see on the photo, but the West Bank sould also still be Jordanian.
[Tanganyika](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanganyika_(1961%E2%80%931964)) was a sovereign state from -very late – 1961 to april 1964, so that puts this globe at that ballmark.
Stalingrand changed name to [Volgograd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volgograd) again in latish 1961, November IIRC, but we see it with the old name..
“[Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation_of_Rhodesia_and_Nyasaland)” existed from 1953 to 1963, so that puts an upper limit to 1963.
[United Arab Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Republic) broke up in september 1961, so this lowers our window even more, say early -mid 1962.
so it has inaccuracies, as UAR seized to exist in september 1961 and Tanganyika gained independence in December 1961, so we shouldnt see both things on a map..
But if we accept that the mapmaker followed global events in a say “year” delay interval , this was probably made in very late 1961 or more likely early 1962.