Zerstörung eines russischen Konvois in zivilen Pickups in Richtung Pokrowsk durch die Hydra-Einheit des 137. Bataillons.



  1. stairs_3730 on

    That’s pretty much the rusky strategy. Carry troops as far as you can. Drop them off knowing they will have no way back.

  2. KizsKovacsAlajos on

    What is that red flag? The second time im seeing one and it looks like it brings bad luck…

  3. RevolutionaryAge47 on

    Was it the trench that took them out? Is it loaded with Ukrainians?

  4. Appropriate-Ant6171 on

    Pokrovsk is supposed to be the main direction of Russian forces… Does seem like there is some scarcity in armoured vehicles.

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