„Wegen Personalmangel arbeite ich allein in meiner Kneipe“


Von pppppppppppppppppd


  1. DanasWifePowerSlap on

    Very long article but not a single mention of wage or salary and we all know why. The industry is obviously suffering from increased costs but every pub I’ve ever worked in paid peanuts and expected you to be sociable and hardworking at the same time all whilst getting paid minimum wage.

  2. Particular_Wave_8567 on

    Hahahah why can I not get a part time job at uni then. Am I that bad??

  3. People will come and blame business owners, but not many would pay £10 for their beers so that all waiters have a proper living wage.

    The problem here is the fact that people are in poverty while working full time.

  4. Sensitive_Phone_1968 on

    Definitely something a family would benefit from, family business you don’t get these same headaches, this is why Indians, Pakistani and Chinese communities are thriving because they operate businesses with very low overheads, have all family members run the businesses so no worries about staff and paying high wages pension schemes etc.

  5. Castle_112 on

    “loved coming to work and meeting the customers.”

    I’d love coming to work too if I knew that my hard graft would lead to decent pay and conditions. But, it wouldn’t. Its no mystery why these business owners love customers coming in – it directly translates to more money in their pockets. By why would a worker work shit hours in a shit role for shit pay over the weekend?

    That perspective is entirely missing from this article. It’s a series of business owners lamenting the lack of cheap staff without interviewing any potential staff for this article.

  6. DrCrazyFishMan1 on

    “Staff shortages” is just the opposite side of the “shit wages” coin…

    If you can’t hire people, it’s because you’re not paying enough

  7. Let me guess, he’s offering minimum wage and wondering why he’s struggling to hire?

  8. 1995LexusLS400 on

    As of October 2024, there are 1.51 million unemployed people in the UK. There is no staff shortages. There are wage shortages. No one wants to work a job for a wage where they can’t support themselves.

    Where I live to be able to support yourself financially, you need to earn £2600 a month net. On a 40 hour work week, that’s £16.25/hr net. Gross, it’s £3200 a month or £20/hr. Sometimes it financially makes more sense to not work and live off benefits than it is to work a minimum wage job.

  9. Judy_Hopps__ on

    Trash wages, antisocial work hours, interacting with antisocial drunks at times.

    Yeha no wonder

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