Russland führt das neue ballistische Schutzsystem Samurai zum Schutz der Leistengegend ein. Quelle im Kommentar.


  1. Funny-Carob-4572 on

    Groin protection is a good idea.

    Question is…how many will get it or will it be made of cardboard as someone becomes a millionaire.

  2. MikeTexas-6065 on

    Let me guess, design it but never make/distribute it. Well maybe to certain important types such as white Russians.

  3. I’m sure these will be issued immediately to all the meat wa-… err, assault teams on the front line.

  4. Particular-Elk-3923 on

    Nice design actually. If it gives 360 pelvis protection and doesn’t limit movement too much it’s a good idea. Though I’d say it is more Roman or Greek armor design than Samurai.

  5. Waste-Oil-279 on

    What every soldier dreams of.. Another 25 pounds added to his loadout.

  6. bswontpass on

    I’m waiting for a moment when they will start putting cope cages on top of infantry.

  7. Abject_Ad_2598 on

    When are they going to reintroduce shields on the battlefield?

  8. Well russian kits especially the sturm units have been getting better and better kits so this doesnt surprise me. The line fodder are the badly equipped ones usually, while the dudes that go kn assaults actually look good.

  9. Proof-Eye7603 on

    Made this 20+ years ago for airsoft using a hoodie tied backwards around my waist covering my junk. I am the innovator. They are the imitator.

  10. Snake__________ on

    my father (ex SOF instructor and operator) always told me that you must and have to learn from the enemy…. so…. if this new feature of armor works, then ukraine must to copy and of course do it better

  11. Admirable-Jeweler599 on

    I have to admit this is actually a good idea. Maybe we start running around like samurai warriors in future wars. I mean it also covers part of the artery in the hip section and groin. Not against bullets but certainly against small fragments.

  12. RottenPingu1 on

    They’ll be made out of thin aluminum, a wooden shingle, or plastic. This is Russia.

  13. This actually looks like a good idea. Very interesting. We should see how it actually performs and if it’s good copy.

  14. DeadandForgoten on

    hey Russia, you know what is even better for your men? Not sending them to war.

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