Chris Columbus behauptet, „Weihnachtsurlaub“-Star Chevy Chase habe „mich wie S–t behandelt“


  1. Positive-Attempt-435 on

    Chevy chase treated everyone like shit. It’s pretty well known hes a complete ass.

  2. HeavenlyCreation on

    Who cares?

    Chase is a legend and this guy just made a forgettable movie home alone🤷🏽

    I wish these people would stop kicking dirt on people from encounters from the past

  3. bendover912 on

    What happened with Chevy Chase that has started this smear campaign? Deserved or not, it’s all about things that happened years ago so why is it in the news now?

  4. brandnewchair on

    Chevy Chase already had quite the reputation by then. I figure Chris Columbus should’ve been somewhat prepared. 

  5. At this point I think it’d be more newsworthy if Chevy Chase was well liked by someone for genuinely benevolent reasons

  6. Sutech2301 on

    Several days ago there was an article postet whose title basically read “Chevy Chase wasn’t always and asshole” and i thought that he died

  7. theSantiagoDog on

    That’s what happens when you get two people with the initials C.C. together. Oil and water.

  8. The other article I read said that John Hughes felt so bad, as a producer on Christmas Vacation, that he gave Columbus Home Alone to make up for Chevy being a total dick.

  9. saintkev40 on

    Chevy Chase was severely abused as a child by his father. His Dad would lock him in the basement for weeks at a time. Cut him a break. You never hear any sexual misconduct or violence or anything else in that nature from him. So he is difficult to work with with. In his prime he brought laughs and entertainment to millions.

  10. I love that there’s this smear campaign with Chevy Chase right now. As if we didn’t already know he was a huge pile of shit.

  11. Crazykiddingme on

    Does anyone actually have a GOOD Chevy Chase story? I have yet to hear one if they exist. My man is a 24/7 hater.

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