Die Regierung hat sich „verpflichtet“, die Wanderjagd zu verbieten


Von topotaul


  1. ThrowThisNameAway21 on

    Until the police actually bother enforcing the ban nothing will change unfortunately, these hunts seem to be able to act totally above the law as of it doesn’t apply to them for some reason

  2. King_of_East_Anglia on

    This is blatant far left extremism. If this happened to a non white culture it would be condemned by the UN.

  3. socratic-meth on

    > Further changes to the law have been criticised as “completely unjustified”, with the Countryside Alliance saying trail hunting is a legal activity that brings rural communities together.

    Is there any moral difference between enjoying watching dogs rip foxes to shreds and cock fighting?

  4. MistyPurpleHaze on

    As much as I agree with this I feel like there are bigger things to focus on rn…

  5. The-Furry-Circle on

    This is good news. I’ve lived in the countryside all my life and in places that had hunts. Contrary to the Countryside Alliance’s claim that this is a town Vs village argument it isn’t. I realise I’m a sample of one, but vanishingly few people I’ve met in the countryside support fox hunting. Furthermore, most of the people on the hunts weren’t even local – more likely to be from big towns.

  6. GooberdiWho on

    Legalise weed and use the saved policing money to enforce this ban. That’s what I say

  7. Grouchy_Conclusion45 on

    Excuse the ignorance, but why the push to ban trail hunting? Who is it harming? Isn’t the point that it’s just a scent laid down, as opposed to live animals being chased? 

  8. throwaway12100111 on

    might be a silly question but 12,000 hunting days, am I not understanding something here I thought there was only 365 days a year not over 12,000?

    “The alliance’s chief executive, Tim Bonner, said the ban would be an “act of spite” that would be negatively received by the countryside.

    He said there were 12,000 hunting days each year that are legal and legitimate.”

  9. martzgregpaul on

    If Farage and pals are so keen on it lets coat them in fox urine and set the hounds on their trail. Im sure they would be keen to keep up the tradition and after all the hounds NEVER get vicious do they…

  10. b1ld3rb3rg on

    If hunts hadn’t been flagrantly hunting foxes all this time they probably wouldn’t have had anything to worry about.


    No animal is hurt in this, they make claims with out evidence, it is more of fucking townies looking down on people who dare to live rurally.

    Fuck you

  12. RedSevenClub on

    Reported a fox hunt Christmas Eve, was happening at the time, police weren’t interested

  13. Creepy-Goose-9699 on

    Seems like a pretty easy thing to do if you have such a large majority…

  14. My autistic nephew and his mum were out walking when a bunch of shitheads from The Milton Estate surrounded them with barking dogs and horses. They think they also had a shotgun.

    They slowly closed in on them before leading them back to their car and off the public right of way they were illegally hunting on.

    My nephew was terrified for hours. I wanted to get my hands on them but it was reported to the police who did absolutely nothing.

    So many of these people should be in jail.

    For clarity, it was the shit eating, animal torturing, moldy cunt flap loving MILTON ESTATE.

  15. oculariasolaria on

    Any activity apart from work needs to be banned. That is the way forward.

  16. I hope everyone realises trail hunting is not fox hunting. They send a runner out with a scent and the dogs chase the runner with the hunt. No foxes involved. It’s just a sport at this point I don’t see why it should be banned if there is nothing cruel happening.

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