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I like finland’s style. No questioning or reaching out to russia or anything.
They just seize the ship.
Whoever claims responsibility will eventually come forward. Or they won’t. Regardless, you have their ship.
The past few times it has happened when it’s obvious russia did it, other countries typically try to reach out to russia to answer for it. Russia just dismisses them, and the ship is allowed to sail.
Good precedence by finland
It’s an act of piracy under international law (UNCLOS), which means there is universal jurisdiction on it, even in high seas, so any nearby ship can seize the ship.
It’s different when a crime is committed inside a ship sailing in international waters (such as a captain murdering a crew member), only the flagship country has jurisdiction over the prosecution and seizing of the ship. No other country has the right to seize the ship.
However, piracy is one of the few things UNCLOs is clear about regarding all countries having the right to seize and prosecute, even in international waters.
I think the hesitation in enforcing this is because this is the first time in history since UNCLOs is ratified, wherein a state (russia) is actively participating in a mass act of war through destroying civilian infrastructures in international waters, by using a civilian shadow fleet.
That definitely makes it more complicated in terms of do you prosecute the mastermind country (russia), the flagship country (may or may not be russia), or the crew members (may or may not be russians or can be multiple nationalities) etc. That is still not clear and would depend on the evidence they have.
What UNCLOS is clear about though is in a state having the right to seize ships caught in an act of piracy.
Now, what happens when the ship refuses to dock to territorial waters from international waters when directed is yet to be tested. It will likely be russia’s next testing of the waters unless NATO sets clear boundaries on what will happen if it happens again.
Russia… Article 5
That’s great. Way to go Finland.
2025 is gonna be interesting
I read someone describe Russia as the world’s tumor. Seems pretty accurate
finally someone reacting to this anchor-bs…
“Ship owner falls out a window”
Sell the ship to fund the cable replacement?
Just wreck more russian vessels/tankers and this will stop.
Finland the only one here with balls
Good! Tired of pussy footing around when dealing with shitty Russia.
Fuck yeah!
100% an act of war.
Basically pin testing to control input output points. Just like hitting coms, and landing strips before an invasion.
Bout time!
Just already ban all Chinese and Russian ships in the Baltic sea, they are not playing by our rules so I don’t see why they can sail here
GIGACHAD finland
Russia will be losing access to the Baltic very soon
Nice. Take everything and when Russia inevitably cries foul (despite them ordering this), it will both confirm it was their doing and hopefully set a precedent that this shit won’t be tolerated anymore
Hopefully a sign that Europe is finally starting to grow a spine.
In the press conference media asked if Finland has informed Russia about boarding the ship.
Answer was “We have not”.
Follow up question was, when will you inform Russia about it.
Answer was: “We won’t”.
Just blockade St. Petersburg at this point, the fuck are they gona do, cry harder?
Start launching anti ship missiles as soon as they cross the cable
Keep poking the bear Russia, keep it up…
How many hybrid attacks before article 5 is invoked is the new how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop
Big finish balls, love em!
Stop the suspicious ship that happen to be near the cut and search. That is the way it should be like the police will do on a car stop.
Russia should be pretty angry about this. They have a very limited amount of ships that can sail without blowing up/sinking.
Good for Finland
The only reason Finland seized it was because it was inside their territorial waters. If they seized it in international waters it would set a dangerous precedent that I without a doubt know China/Russia would abuse. Im willing to bet that’s why the Chinese ship that cut the internet cables a month or two ago wasn’t seized because it was in international waters.