Trudeau scheint sein Schweigen über die Bestechung von Trump zu brechen


  1. iroquoispliskinV on

    Denmark had a great response too. I get that the US wanted this guy, but let’s normalize making fun of him by other heads of government, instead of them having soft PR approaches.

  2. green_tory on

    He’s not joking. This is well past “ribbing.”

    Why Greenland and Canada? Control of the northwest passage and securing water resources for Americans. Why Panama? Securing total hegemony over trade from Asia to Europe and Africa that passes around the Americas. 

    It’s not the blatherings of a madman. There are reasons for this behaviour.

  3. AprilsMostAmazing on

    This is the best response so far. Unlike the guy from Ontario under RCMP investigation, this won’t antagonize Trump. It’s reaching out to Americans who are the only ones that can stop MAGA. We need more responses like this instead of people daring Trump to do it

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